You ever do carries just because the people are decent?

Yes, comradery is what brings a lot of people into helping each other. It is a feeling that encourages us to help each other. Just like when you eat food it is your body saying you are doing a good job. And if feeling good about helping people is selfish in that sense so be it, rather that than those who don’t help for no reason.

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Back when we used to run TW or M0 for the weekly we’d often get only myself and 3 guildies in the run, leaving a spot empty. I’d always take the lowest geared person in group finder along. It honestly makes no difference to us, maybe “slows” down the run by a few minutes but it allows this person to not only experience the runs but we can funnel them loot.


You are correct according to some schools of thought… but this is the WoW forums, not your “Introductory to General Psychology” class filled with freshmen college kids.

I dont need anything on LFR. But I just do it to help new players kill hard Boss. And I won a Tier gear last week. I looked at the damage meters to see if any of the top 10 would need the Tier gear I won. And there’s one, I open trade to him and give him the Mystic Module Tier gear. I said Welcome even before he say thank you.

It so happened that he is also a Hunter. Hope one day, he would be as powerful as my toon.

I think you clearly had no idea what we were actually discussing. It went clear over your head. Elitist attitude. Geez. Never once did we say it was wrong to help people. You know what, never mind. :roll_eyes:

What makes you think he goes to parties

I do it for the 1k gold bags, does that count?

Not a carry, but one of my favorite wow memories is during the Legion launch, I was tanking a Mythic 0 Eye of Azhara and we were all still in quest blues and normal dungeon gear.

We kept wiping on Wrath of Azhara and the healer and DPS kept beating themselves up over not being able to survive through the outgoing damage or kill the boss fast enough…

But I stayed positive! These were some randoms I had no prior experience with or attachment to. At this point, we were on wipe 10 or 13. Yet, as the Tank, I felt it was my duty to inspire them. So I gave a big speech about how they were all doing their best and that if we just focused and worked together, we could beat this thing. With the power of friendship.

And we did. After that reinforcement we all gave each other that we were all doing our best, we got it down. Then we all hung out for like 20 more minutes before going our separate ways.

Another time is I was organizing a group through LFG for “Only the Penitent” achievement in Firelands. Well, the first people to join were a guy and his kid brother. No big deal. We get our 6 people together, we fail to get through it on the 25H, 25, and then 10H. At this point, everyone is stressed because we can only try on 10N now otherwise we have to reset. The guys kid brother is the one that keeps messing up on the kneel.

We get through it on the last try. Everyone encouraging this guys kid brother to kneel at the right time and we get it. I lead that group and refused to kick these 2 guys because I felt they deserved as much a chance as anyone else.

A few hours later…this guy messages me. He’s thanking me from the bottom of his heart because as it turns out, his little brother is mentally handicapped and gets bullied all of the time. He gets bullied a lot IRL and just this simple act of being allowed to make mistakes and learn, defended from harassment, and be part of a group, if only for a little bit, changed his whole mood and couldn’t stop talking about how happy it made him.

We should always remember that the players behind the character are people. The kindness that we show others can effect them in profound ways, even in a video game.

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Back when i played more often (and was higher geared for the content that was current at the time) yeah i’d do that from time to time. Should i return to a more regular schedule i wouldn’t mind doing that again.

No, and if I see them backpedal they aren’t going in my friends list

In my earlier days of wow , I helped this priest level up through MOP dungeons. If I remembered right her name was PrincessFifu. Somewhere after the 5th or 6th run , managed to convince her to come chat on Ventrilo.

Shock of my life when I realised PrincessFifu was a guy. Immediately removed from Friend list and I never ever did free Carries again.

I have. For me it makes WoW feel more like a community. Also in the open world I will stop and help a player when they’ve getting beat on. Sometime I’ll even help a lowbie Horde. :grinning:

I use to like stopping and giving players my Druid buff. Some would say thanks. That was cool. But sadly Blizzard took that away from my Druid.


I use to go on my geared healer with guidies that needed to do LFR’s. It was fun to see how high I could get my HPS.

I feel my most help was trying to keep things chill after wipes. Sometime when things would go south a few people would start yelling that we need to kick this person or that person, and if this person or that person was trying, I’d tell the raid that if they kick them then you’re number one healer is leaving. Sometimes I got so grief. But usually we killed the boss.

Afterwards I’d sometimes get a wispier from the person they wanted to kick. They’d thank me for sticking up for them. Usually they were just a causal player that was doing their best. Sometime they were some noob like I was at one point that just wanted to be apart of the wonderful world of WoW.

I feel that what goes around comes around.


All this carrying and boosting is why the game community is one of the worse around. No one is accountable for behavior including the developers if you see them on twitter for example. It’s finally caught up that people just aren’t having it anymore and seeking fun elsewhere. WOTLK was before Facebook and other social media it won’t be as folks remember just like TBC wasn’t. Toxic people ninja looting and name changing all over again.

On occasion, when I’m out in the world I’ll help others out. I don’t do dgs or raid anymore so I don’t carry anyone.

I usually help out when I’m on my druid or this paladin. I never speak anymore.

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When I read your full post, I got an existentialism kind of sense from it.

While what you say is true, everyone does it for an underlying “selfish” reason, they still did it. They didn’t have to.
That’s the thing.

What you said above is the main reason I will help others out in the open world only. It’s because I’m bored and I want to see if I can actually help.
I don’t expect anything back from anyone.

This is life, just how it is. Most people know this so no real need to mention it but you do you. Have fun.

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