You don't like Vanilla

If you can’t play the game without addons



I mean there’s a live game just nextdoor, just a couple clicks away. If you don’t like something go play something else. Nobody is forcing you to do anything.

That’s the best part about how they did this arrangement, Classic isn’t required playing and neither is the live game, your subscription covers BOTH.


There is nothing wrong with addons


Don’t you mean #PureClassic? #MyClassic means playing with, or without, addons to suit your needs. Including LFG.

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Except that there were addons even during the beta that predated the launch of vanilla, but you do you :man_shrugging:


Phew, you are boring, dang

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Vanilla with :poop: = BFA


Being serious here. If someone is using addons, does it really matter? Because, you don’t have to, if you don’t want to.

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I have my AH scanners and PvP scanners ready!


The conveniently ignored point you lot keep forgeting is mods we have these days have the potential to do far more than the mods we had in original.

Im all for mods in Classic, if they were representative of the same mods we had in original, truth is they are worlds apart.

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Ok? I don’t use those. I still don’t care you use them. If Blizzard deems them overpowered, they will break them.

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addons in vanilla could be full blown bots that play your char


I guess Blizzard doesn’t like vanilla.

Addons are good things. They even implemented quest helper into retail long ago! Might as well add it to Classic!


^This. Blizzard has heavily restricted addons since vanilla

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shhh, they refuse to acknowledge that.

I almost thought this was going to be a thread about something new that hasn’t been complained about over and over and over. Ah, you got me Cursedd. You stand true to your name, because you got me! /shakesfist

Classic questhelper is called Questie. And, I use it.

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Meh. There are tons of addons that do nothing but change the ui design and font.

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