You don't have forever anymore blizzard

This discussion reminds me of something that the sports writer Pete Gammons once said about Red Sox fans. This was at a time before 2004 when they hadn’t won the World Series since 1918.

Problem was not just that they hadn’t won but when they lost they did so in dramatic fashion often “Snapping defeat from the jaws of victory”.

What Gammons said was that “Red Sox fans believe their team is mathematically eliminated while they are still in first place.”

The same is true with a core of WOW players. If you do a simple search on “Top MMOs” the articles are split on whether WOW is still number one or has dropped down to second or third. But the consensus remains that’s it is a “Top MMO”.

And yet WOW fans are predicting it’s demise.

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And one day they will be right.

Sure, one day the Sun will run out of Hydrogen, swell up and swallow our entire planet. Of course by then we will have been without an atmosphere for hundreds of millions of years.

So yeah, probably WOW will have a hard time surviving that astronomical event.

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And some day you will be right about that.

“We’ve had first Alpha, yes. What about second Alpha?”

The question isn’t will a new MMO kill WoW, it’s will a new MMO survive on its own. The MMO market is ruthless, given these games’ track record, I never bet on the new one succeeding.

If Everquest is any indication, Blizz has plenty of time.

Sure, they won’t have forever to be in the top 3 MMORPGs, but they’ll have plenty of time to make a decent profit running the game for years to come.

Nobody stays on top forever so why expect an older MMORPG to do the same?

Josh Strife Hayes.

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Why link a video of asmon reacting to another video when you could have just linked the other video instead?


allow me to clarify
plenty of self proclaimed wow killers or claimed to be so by fans
whom did not deliver

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THANK YOU!! I knew it was something like that.

I recorded a video of me reacting to Asmon video of him reacting to another video. I think this is going to be my big break.