tried to smite me down in gods name due to me being a “abomination” fking zealots man.
He just has no backbone.
Well the simple reason for divorce of a male elf is that I thought they were chicks before marrying them. Oops.
Sharp hooves and bed sheets do not get along well.
Refused to wear the fancy shirts I bought him plus did not divulge his furry tendencies until after marriage.
She kept trying to get me to wear fancy shirts. They weren’t fancy enough, and she got mad when I chose my own clothes.
She also thought I was a High elf because of my blue eyes, then claimed I was too cold for her.
Because its hard to get intimate when hes dead, you know, no blood to get things… up
My tongue kept sticking… worse than a lightpole in northrend it was.
The fiery passion and energy between warriors always amazing. However our duties simply kept pulling us apart. We both knew it was over when we came face to face on the battlefield.
Getting him pried out of his armor took so long, it just wasn’t worth it.
Her prying obsession was awkward in public but just downright painful in private. Straps, love… they’re called sraps.
She showed up in her jade armor and I thought it was her negligee. Things kind of went downhill from there. /sigh
Those feet…
He’s just a fool when it comes to love, he loves everyone too much.
I just didn’t want to share all the time, especially if I wasn’t included in the sharing.
He kept pitying da fool. /sigh
She ate my lawn gnomes! I can’t find anyone else who can do my lawn for a reasonable price now.
She couldn’t let go of the past. She kept wearing her old Silvermoon uniform and wouldn’t listen when I said that it wasn’t healthy.
He switched from Inferno Punch, to Margirita. He just wasn’t the man I married, I didn’t know him anymore.
It all started when she refused to help me take care of my father on his deathbed, and it went downhill from there.
Whenever I asked him to do anything to help out around the house he spouted that ‘I’ve sacrificed everything’ line.