You divorce the player above you (Part 1)

I don’t know why, but I constantly keep getting married to Penumbrae only to remember the one thing that broke us apart…she keeps taking of the shades.
Girl, keep them on!

I…also may have found her drinking the last coke.
I swear though this is the last time I am with her!

On a serious note, I keep coming to post here and you’re the last one.

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Finally a death knight that doesn’t put his minions first I thought… only to find out this one refuses to take off his helm…

What am I supposed to do with that??


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You’re not slaying goblins with me though!


He refused to take off his helm!

I just couldn’t take not knowing what he really looked like!

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Ugh…fine…you know what? I will change helmets


He refused to put his old helmet back on. It was the part of his look I liked best. /sigh


Honey I’m home and I had a… Hey why are all my things thrown out on the lawn. Dammit did you change the locks on the frontdoor again. I swear I won’t go to the bar anymore…(or less). I’ll stop visiting Tan’ji… Hells bells, what are you trying to smite me for…


Was there for her when she divorced Penumbrae, but then literally got into a fight over said wonderful troll. The insuring battle was on epic proportions. I have had to drink purifying brew for days now. Still, Izzabelle will always be in my heart.


Just couldn’t get that horde floozy out of his mind, so I walked before I lost mine.

For whatever reason, couldn’t get over the mild inconvenience that my aunt made for her home city. I suggested that there were plenty of other world trees, like the one in Broken Isles, but she was in too much rage. Can’t calm a berserker for anything.

We tried, we really did, but she was all lightness and life and I was all darkness and death. We just couldn’t find a way to meet in the middle and compromise.

She kept trying to rez my ghouls and make them more ‘life like’.


After a few bad endings we decided to give it another go. I could live with him being heartless. The fact that he liked more blood than most in his Bloody Mary. His strange painting habits grew on me, his life like ghouls were endearing.

It was perfect until the night of the honeymoon. You know the sayings no I sacrificed everything what have you sacrificed… Needless to say it was the shortest honeymoon ever.

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A prenup signed by a distracted bride is such a comfort!
(Cackles all the way to the bank)

She wasnt very generous so I found a very generous gnome to replace her.

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After endless stupid jokes like “Walk the spoon and pitch the fork.” or “Hey! Let’s make hay!” comments I snapped and took him out with a haymaker. /sigh


She said she was ‘reformed’; I thought that meant totally and not just her priestly beliefs. Then she said she was going to invite my folks over for dinner, ok.
THEN I overheard her giving out invites to HER family and friends for 'three-course dinner*
Don’t need to be a rocket scientist for this one: packed my workshop and took off!

I wish I could have thought of her as a lover after the fifth time, but she was just too cute. I adopted her instead. Now she can keep me AND any future husbands/wives.

Things were too bright in the house, it hurt my eyes to see too many lights, nearly caused me to be blind.

He fell on a fel sword. I can’t rez that. It was so unfortunate, since he was talking about how great his king Greymane was. It’s just a shame he fell so many times on the same spot. Not that I had anything to do with it, I promise.