Kept checking to make sure I wasn’t a man. I get that he was fooled before. But did he really have to spot check under my shirt in public!
Was constantly paranoid that I would become a man. Found my collection of spare parts and suddenly I’m “on the run” and “wanted by authorities”.
She was quiet…tooo quiet…
I ate her. She was gooood…
I don’t divorce. My stuff is my stuff.
She’s just a missing person until proven otherwise. Pray for me…
that they never find the body
I found her returning one night, feet covered in mud. Followed her tracks back to their source, and found a murdered Blood Elf…That could have been me next. I split first chance I got.
Divorce her? Why would I do something silly like that… she divorced me…
It’d have never worked out between us. His earth golem kept putting stones in my water spirit.
she stole my heart at first…
but turns out… she wanted my chili fries and i sadly had to end it…
refused to find a paladin, shaman, priest, druid, death knight or even an engineer to rez me. Had to end it, since I couldn’t rely on him in my time of need.
Her platekini was too much for me.
For someone who never wears them, there were clothes left everywhere.
I lost feeling in my legs too many times… I need some time apart…for now.
It was never gonna last long between us. Everything devolved into a contest to see who could get the most action. Good news, she set her sights too high. I left her flowers in the doctor’s office. I’m still a gentleman.
A blue skinned tentacled Barbarian that always Got drunk, and lost his shirt with other women. Not to mention he had this strange painting habit.
This so wasn’t going to work.
She kept checking what was in my glass, I kept trying to tell her it was blood not alcohol. She didn’t believe me and tasted it. She hated it, said I had poor taste in my drinks.
She accused me of painting with it too! Painting with my food? … Well, sometimes - it makes a nice design when it splashes.
I just couldn’t have her looking over my shoulder all the time.
He keeps putting his minions first over me… fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me three times, ok it’s official, I’m an idiot.
Because there are only so many spare parts to go around.
Because they watched a Naga steal my bicycle on nazjatar, and just laughed about it.
Actually, her mount, who was totally embarrassed by the training wheels, sold the bike to the naga. She was delightfully quirky but, sadly, really was a solo cutie. /sigh