Has very weak bones(giggity)
When I married him he was a nice little purple kitty, then he tried to do mean things to me, so I burnt him with my fiery abilities then teleported away. He’s alliance scum anyway, should never have trusted that fool.
As in she leaves burning footprints on my wood floor.
Because he’s a Male human paladin and dont nobody swing that way.
Per the norm. A bet, some booze, and a murlock was involved.
I now have a key to the clerks office because of how many marriage certificates I have had to remove due to situations like these.
In a way I have started to be come kind of a collector of them.
Never had the correct answer when I asked him…
“Does my butt look fat in this MOG?”
That ho kept screaming about the light. No one’s got time for that.
He sleep walked and stepped on my tail too many times… do you know how much it hurts to have a male tauren hoof stomping on your tail when your dead asleep?!
Those damn totems all over the house… make my blood boil with rage!
Only thing he was good at was getting angry…
And I mean, the -only- thing he was good at.
All i asked that for once we could have a steak on the table but noooooo… You started to nag about your auntie and her incident at the bbq-festival so all i got was crappy salad.
I need meat goddammit!
He ate my tauren druid friends…
He spent his time chasing rainbows coming from the rear of unicorns in the forest
She always wanted to be a pirate but didn’t want to come along on my ship. So she set sail and I never saw her again.
It was inevitable that we would try again. The honeymoon phase was exceptional the partying, the passion, the booze… Life was wonderful.
Til the day that I got hit by that cleanse spell, and remembered that my wife was still waiting for me to come back from the store.
She was ok. I just didn’t get along well with her wife.
Human male caster. Nuff said.
Flipped out when I wanted a hamburger.
He did things with his totems that i didnt aprove of
Turns out, male BElfs really are male… And, I’m not really in to that sort of thing