You divorce the player above you (Part 1)

Sorry love, it would never have worked between us.

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Iā€™m not sure when, why, or how our relationship happened. But I do know it got ugly really fast.

Kept trying to speak native Alliance to me. Couldnā€™t figure out half of what he was saying.

Turns out I was the guy she was telling others not to worry about.

Would have worked out better if he wasnā€™t such a peaceful person. Mild aggression is okay, just donā€™t go overboard. Either direction.

Iā€™m keeping the cats.

Got really mad when my Thunder Lizard ate her cats.

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Too many mixed signals. Iā€™d come home and sheā€™d say
ā€œCome get the voodoo.ā€ So I think, ā€œGreat, getting some tonight.ā€

Then when Iā€™d reach for her, sheā€™d snap.

ā€œStay away from the Voodoo!ā€

She just led me on and went cold one time too many. A guy has needs.


I donā€™t understand it, he gets so grumpy when I call him ā€œSugarā€. /sigh

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It was enivitable that we would end up back together. After paying my penence for leaving her in the homeless shelter, and a plea for her to return. She decided to take a leap of faith, and give us another try.

Everything was rapture until Tanā€™ji moved next door with her husband.

I thought she was blind to what I was doing. I tried to distract her with the tricks of the trade. But before I could vanish, she mind controlled and smited me, then proceeded to fade from my life.

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I will never learn with this one.

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I had to try out some tentacles, Izzabelle going on and on about them, but Phylok just wouldnā€™t keep his pets off the furniture!

Tentacles or not, it had to end!

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He was very distracted about tentacles, pets and furniture so the honeymoon was a disappointment, a real dearth night. /sigh


When she said she was going to service, I thought she meant something else. Turned out to be a sermon on why I should make myself a better Horde. I repent enough on the battlefield, why must I in the bedroom?

She is always complaining about the blood in the carpet and all over my armor. I tought Blood elvs likedā€¦ blood.

He was always blaming his mood on it being that time of the battle. Yeah, right. Left him a case of armor polish and soap and said he could call me if he figured out how they work. /sigh


Tried to convert me from my free balling waysā€¦

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I found out Edjar was anti gunā€¦I cant have that when i am a hunter

Just because I canā€™t use a gun doesnā€™t mean I am anti-gun. Just never wanted to see your gunā€¦

Two Words: Bone-Crusher. Especially in travel form.