You divorce the player above you (Part 1)

One eye beam too many. I have to wear a Dinosaur mask to hide my empty eye sockets.


She could fight, she didn’t try to ‘LIght’ me and she even was VERY respectful of whose armor was whose.

But when she got out the Jar-Jar Binks mask…


She kept talking about star wars. “Star wars? Other stars aren’t happy about the Ysera constellation?”
“No! Beings from other stars fighting each other.”
Scratches head. “Some beings live on stars instead of planets?”
“Nooooo! Stars have planets with beings who fight each other.”
“Soooo… do stars without planets fight?”
Next thing I know her eyes shift from white to red and I wake up with some bruises, a trashed house and divorce papers pinned to the wall with an axe. /sigh


We like divorcing. Most of our divorces are for sport.

Granted there might have been a couple non-cool ones but, other than that, it’s a fine practice.

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After I got sober, I realized that the long hair belonged to the most hideous example of the human species I’ve ever seen. How I thought he was a woman is beyond me.

I thought it was a chick


I still don’t understand the obsession with chicks. We were in our happy little roost but she was in a fowl mood and kept hen pecking me before chickening out with a divorce. /sigh


Kept complaining about her ex and chickens.

And I thought you were a chick too. bok bokbok

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Well better than the first time, when you tried to use me as a sacrifice.

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i divorced him because he kept going back to his ex just to argue…

then i decided to meet up with penumbrae, why?
she likes my chili fries and has a lovely pair of goggles.

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Turns out he couldn’t do math as well as I had thought! I’m a rogue, I need a accountant to keep track of my stealings.

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Wouldn’t turn into the righteous assasin of the undead we discussed. It seems she just lied to me to get me to use my [Lay On Hands] and my [Divine Hammer] on her, then left me with a broken heart, smaller coin pouch, and a lifetime of regrets.


Lol shame there is no laugh button on the forum like on facebook.

and Jared I never married.

Sniffle. I am the same height as her totems. I can’t help i am happy to see her and knock them over. …she packed them up and left me…sniffle.

never seen eye to eye with gnomes, less of course with out a step stool.


Seger is actually a nice guy so you would have to be completely hypergamous and shallow to the core or a complete gold-digger to divorce him.

If I were a divorce lawyer, I’d be a billionaire with all the divorces going on :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I know this sounds bad but maybe that’s a reason divorces are so common if you making money from breakups why would you want to stop them.

I divorced dreadmoob because her chicken smacking was causing concussions on my skull…