You did Arthas dirty

It was stated before that they even with the destruction they could never be freed. It is not a physical prison that holds him. Saying that his soul is lost forever is not doing him dirty. It is following the lore. Muradin Bronzebeard was also brought back by retcon as well.

He died right when Arthas took the runeblade.

Arthas is forever gone, never to return.

I think the soul is just inside the blade and he could never get it back as an undead. I don’t think the lore was broken.

I suppose after so much they’ve butchered, he perhaps considered they were pass the point of redemption anyway - ‘Why save a flag on a ship, that’s burning into the ocean.’

Yeah but alas Danuser and its team are like the modern day comics and Hollywood writers inheriting a franchise: Because thay are too stupid to come up with a way to respect the past while doing their own work, they burn the past to replace it with their own crap.

They destroyed Arthas - THE face of Warcraft - in the most unrespectful way possible and people are angry over it not being done right and now i saw posts of people being done with Warcraft and not looking for 10.0, what a surprise…

Oh yes overall it will be a minority of players to quit over this cutscene but Warcraft is not in a shape where the game has the luxury to lose the most passionate players.


But they’re not even doing that, they’re just doing Marvel knockoffs.

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people wondered why i hated sylvanas.

i had no real reason, but my gut told me she’d eventually be like this.

These writers are nothing but vandals really.


You turn the fallen locket to Jaina all the way back in ICC and she talks about a iot. She also talks with uther plenty in scenarios outside of a friggen 2 minute cinematic.

It makes no sense because it puts a massive target on the backs of undead. Also most of those undead were undead exactly because of Greymane’s wall so yeah I imagine the undead did indeed have a bone to pick with the most incompetent king of the alliance.

She’s barely in the actual stories of the games and this is the first time she shows up without being a cliff hanger. And yeah, I’m happy she got some resolution that she should have had 13 years ago.

I’m sorry you wanted full evil sylanas and a raid death and didn’t get it. I personally think that would have been worse.

Sylvanas is barely in the stories of the games? Not counting her being a main character in WC3TFT, She was a central figure for the lead up to the Battle at the Wrathgate and personally involved in the following Battle at Undercity after Varimathras’ betrayal. She took command of the remaining Scourge Val’kyr between WOTLK and Cata (the stated reason why new Forsaken players are even able to exist post-Wrath) and is directly responsible for the Worgen joining the Alliance. She’s personally involved in the Stormheim story in Legion and, oh yeah, she’s the main villain for the first 2/3 of BFA.

Do you actually play these games?


I dunno…at this point she really needs to die. It’s like having Vader or Kylo Ren turn back to the good side at the end and go about their happy lives. Nope, they may have done what was right in the end, but they committed atrocities to get there. I mean the very same thing can be said about Arthas, he’s basically the Vader of WoW and he got a crappy ending after previously having a good ending. They should have just left it alone instead of the “if we bring in Arthas, we’ll do him right” pfft. They did not.

I do like the new version of Sylvanas, but it’s too late. This is the version we should have gotten ages ago instead of the stupid decisions she’s made to get her where she is now. I’m tired of her.

Yeah, she directed the development of a new plague that affected the undead so she could use it on Arthas at the Wrathgate.


I like her so I’ll be happy so see more, even if it’s just in leveling quests and she’s not in a leadership position.

Like all of these situations were cliffhangers or cryptic one-liners so I do not count these at all. Shadowlands torghast cinematics were like… the first actual story beats she got in forever.

Just because this happened over the span of like 10 years doesn’t meant it’s a substantial amount of meaningful story and that’s pretty much because lore characters get a snail trail of development ever compared to like any leveling quest story.

The quality of the writing has been crap for quite a while now. What they did with Arthas is just another brick in the wall of mediocrity.


So “it doesn’t count because I say so.”

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Exactly. At the bare minimum have Jaina or Uther step forward to reprimand Sylvanas with a nod towards the fact he was not always the monster that he became, same as Sylvanas.


A mop and bucket filled with water just used to clean up a poop storm. You can say " Oh I tried to mop it up" but it doesn’t mean you put something less nasty down while trying to mop.

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It doesn’t count because they’re not narrative meat. There’s not things that mattered that happen that deal with the character or the character’s growth. You can replace sylvanas for any other character in lots of these situations and the narrative doesn’t change.

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You can say this same thing about Sylvanas’ role in Shadowlands. There’s nothing that intrinsically ties her to anything concerning the Jailer prior to Blizzard deciding that she’s a full blown villain now. Any other vaguely evil undead character could fit just as easily.

But for some reason I don’t think you’d agree with Sylvanas not having any “narrative meat” (whatever in the name of god that means) in Shadowlands.

Again, “it doesn’t count because I say so.”


Mmm. No. Her 13 year long unresolved arc got a resolution. The status quo of who sylvanas actually is as a character changed in shadowlands more than any other expansion and it’s explored in a thoughtful way.

There’s a difference between getting a feel for a character’s motives and internal thoughts and closing an outstanding arc vs. “character shows up to fight stuff and drops cryptic cliffhangers that have no impact on events in a meaningful way.”

Characters need build up and pay off. The shadowlands stuff with sylvanas is paying off stuff in wc3 and wotlk that should not have taken this long to pay of, lolololol.

Knock it off with that attitude, tho.

I’d argue that the “status quo” of who Sylvanas is changed much more in BFA or even Cataclysm than in Shadowlands, but okay.

Her 13 year arc? That would go back to 2009. What arc did Sylvanas begin in 2009 that is only now resolved in 2022?

Even going as far back as those expansions I named earlier, they never really set anything up with Sylvanas. She does something, then 3 or 4 years later (in real time) she does something again that is retroactively connected to the previous thing she did. That’s not set-up and payoff or a Chekhov’s gun finally being fired, that’s lazy because it’s not the same story by that point. Neat, they finally showed us what Sylvanas was doing with Helya in Legion, except it’s now 4 or 5 years after the fact and people have forgotten that she even made a deal with Helya, and Helya’s presence in Shadowlands is a couple of side quests in the Maw and no raid or overworld boss status.

but they did touch arthas, they touched him so hard he lost his personality.

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