You did Arthas dirty

You know I would’ve been ok with Arthas being gone for good, but using the moment as a way for Sylvanas to get her “one up” and last word on him was just… so infuriating

Like she’s sitting there acting like he should be forgotten for everything he did, then admits that SHE LITERALLY BECAME JUST LIKE HIM, and has the audacity to look down her nose at him

Like girl, how about you go jump into the maw ok? You’re just as trash as he was AND you don’t even have the excuse of mind control to blame

Ugh :expressionless: I shouldn’t be this tilted at a video game


I liked Sylvanas and I feel the way they’ve gone about ‘Redeeming’ her has been done rather well (I mean, as much as one can after the burning of Teldrassil).

But yeah, the line after the burden to bear was frustrating @


I came to agree with other players overtime, stating about how those @ Blizz are sending a message regarded to the old writers:

“Forget about the great impact on WoW’s history Arthas has had, that was their time - this is our time now.”

Perhaps not all of them surely, but they certainly make it hard not to see it that way lol


Arthas is the redemption story we needed. Forever shamed by his deeds. A broken soul left to live in regret for the rest of their days.

Instead we got a Banshee queen who wasn’t really herself so all her actions are nullifiable.


Especially considering Arthas is Warcraft’s Vader.

Not anymore, haven’t you been following this expansion :stuck_out_tongue:
Very little of it was his choice. Stratholme…sure. That was the right choice. Being hands on? No…bad choice. The rest was basically all manipulation by forces of the Jailer :stuck_out_tongue: Stuff Sylvanas did by choice and she walks.

She chose the power slide right into the sword :stuck_out_tongue:

He was already well into being manipulated at that point. So a bit of a grey area.

Stratholme was smart.

I mean, they could have worked in some plot element for Sylvanas about her being under duress due to the Jailer having her soul part. Maybe it’d have made a bit more sense but that’s not even mentioned, some people weren’t even sure what was happening when Zovaal restored her missing soul part.

Then we’re told Zovaal was always there by Bolvar. He only resisted due to what he was.

She’s no longer even the character that performed those actions. That’s already a redemption.

He lost the soul when he took it, but he was already under the influence of the sword and other minions of the Jailer.

Definitely. All of your post is true.

It’s what would happen in reality. If a plague of undeath without a cure broke out, the city would be quarantined and likely nuked. You can’t let it spread. It’s a horrible but necessary choice. The end of all is at stake.

He and Arthas returning to lead an undead nation would have been cool :frowning:


As we have seen in real life people can’t be bothered to wear a mask without spreading the plague. We’d all be zombies lol.

That’s why ya gotta be quick with the nuke. No lollygagging :wink:

We can die to radiation and a nuclear winter instead of zombies. Whee. :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh, only depends on how close.
Considering we’ve already detonated over 2000 nuclear weapons in atmo and we’re still here…cancer is an issue though. :wink:

It did kind of feel like that. That last line from Sylvanas to “begone” was such an obnoxious delivery too.

I’m honestly a little surprised Metzen lent his voice to the cinematic (as Varian) and didn’t do anything to change their direction. But I suppose the guy is really, really checked out at this point, and just wanted to read his lines and get out.


I really hope that when microsoft takes over this story, they can throw enough money at Metzen and the others that will convince them to come back and fix this… I will even accept a bronze dragon flight intervention and reset the story back to when they had full story control


Bringing Arthas back or even mentioning him in a relevancy to now is what a retcon is.

It isn’t 'cos nothing changed. We knew he was dead. We knew he was being tormented in the shadowlands. The only new info is that the soul is just gone completely-- which is just new info.

Not new info. We have known that since Warcraft 3. And also

It is not new info. 100% of all the people who knew the lore already knew that. And presenting it as new information is a retcon.

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He just died in ICC. Nothing to my knowledge ever said it was completely erased before shadowlands.

And if it’s not new info, then it might be new info to the characters. Which is not a retcon.

No. PROOF he lost his soul already and acknowledged it.

(6521) Warcraft 3 Story ► Arthas as a Death Knight - First Mission of the Undead Campaign (Reign of Chaos) - YouTube

1:06 in the video.

Yeah that’s not contradicted by the cinematic. His soul was taken and went elsewhere. It didn’t go poof permanently. ICC is when the sword’s souls are released. That’s when the kyrians take it. Nothing is retconned here.


This entire expac is all retcon. Saying stuff exists just because the plot demands it in order to keep the story going. He already lost his soul and it could never be reclaimed. That has always been the case.

Retcon. Original lore stated different about where his soul would end up and that it was there to stay and he was never getting it back. Already taken and put someplace permanently and then saying that a brand new group of beings that no one has heard of until just a tiny bit ago came and undid an event that was stated as being permanent retcon by definition it is.


So if you’re calling retcon, you’re saying ICC is the retcon.

Which, whatever, I guess. Otherwise it would be fuel for the fel forgers of sargeras which also would mean it went poof.

I just think the original lore states the sword stole his soul and it was in the sword and it all got released in icc. And then those souls went to shadowlands

No in ICC, you just killed a soul less husk. His image of what his soul used to be appeared but his soul is gone. It is trapped in the runeblade The Frozen Throne itself would have to be destroyed completely but parts of it still remain even after the shatter.

Love Arthas all you want but cannon lore says Arthas is NOT coming back. Even with time travel as if you travel back in time to before he was born, his soul is still trapped within. He cannot go to any form of an afterlife and have rest. Only a major lore breaking retcon will allow that to happen.

It gets freed from the rune blade when you kill the husk. So does like 400 other souls. That’s them escaping at the end when you beat him. Arthas’ dad as well.