You can't trade Fragment of Val'anyr to eligible raid members?!

They explained a reason for this back in vanilla Naxx with Atiesh in a blue post. The game doesn’t differentiate a tradeable fragment from a non tradeable fragment because they all go in the same stack, as such any stackable BoP items are not tradeable. I understand that it will probably cause some guilds to lose a fragment or two if they didn’t play during vanilla unfortunately, However, it was explained via a blue post and we had no reason to expect it to behave differently now. Scroll down to the section on Naxxramas in this blue post. WoW Classic Era - “Not A Bug” List - Updated April 22, 2021

Any kind of clown like you knows exactly I’m talking about BoP items that stack.


Literally how its always been. Same with naxx and atiesh. No different here.

LOL Exactly.

Lemme know the next time runecloth drops off a raid boss and we can check to see if it has a 2 hour timer on it.

He literally just proved the point by trying to be ironic and hilarious.

Or simply pay attention? It even asks as you assign the piece if you are sure if you want to give that player the item

I wonder how many gdkps messed up.

In advance next time could you maybe just dm me??.. Nevermind just be in raid to remind me Via RW every 5 mins ty <3.

Jokes aside I always thought this was super common knowledge for all items, kinda funny how that all changed only a few expacs later haha.

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This guys a moron, first you could never trade frags for leg weapon. Second your the problem not blizzard for rolling on something you cant use, and blaming someone else. Third your name said all i needed to know.

Just out of curiosity, what would be the practical benefit of being able to trade it vs just master looting it to whoever is getting the item?

This is old news. Legendary items that stack cannot be traded. It was the same with Naxx 40 with the splinters.

GDKP people like to auction stuff just before the timer is about to expire and not at every boss, so they loot everything and move over.

In any situation where you don’t know in advance who is getting an item, it’s convenient for the master looter to loot the items into their bags and then roll/vote/auction to decide who gets it while you move to the next boss and clear trash.

I definitely don’t love this new sort of “rush” attitude that people have where they try to constantly move, but I can definitely see how impatient or otherwise just efficient people would dislike having to physically stand near the boss/loot cache until it’s all distributed.

I wanna say there is more to it than that. We used to stock/trade the poison sacs from LBRS for Viscidus. These had a timer. You could even increase thier duration by stacking some with ones with longer timers.

Same as with the shards in Naxx 40… Works as designed.
(not that this would not be a welcome change if they did it)

It’s a pretty bad design, could have been changed in the past 15 years, and not communicated too well IMO. Put an extra description on the legendary fragment or an extra confirmation, saying cannot be traded or something as a bandaid. Some people didn’t raid in vanilla. But it’s not the end of the world over a single fragment, just kind of a downer to begin the phase.

LOL good joke buddy

Looks like you missed the PSA.

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No because they stack. When you stack something that has a timer on it you can manipulate the timer so it never runs out, remember the 1 hour venom sacs in AQ that guilds loaded their mules up with? It was the same way with the atiesh splinters and will be the same way with shadowmourne. This has been well documented.

I agree, remove everything but group loot. Down with loot councils!

Huh? That’s not the point of your post? Oh well.

also don’t let any addon control your loot. Our RL was using a loot addon that claimed it would prevent auto loot on legendary items but when a fragment was in the chest it was auto looted to the hunter RL. From now on we just use master loot.