You can't socket an item after upgrading it with a trophy

If you try to put a socket slot on an item after upgrading it with a sigil or a warlord’s trophy, this will happen:

The item won’t be able to be socketed after upgrading it, so keep that in mind if you planned to do this like I did.

Just as a warning before you do the same mistake, rip trophy :upside_down_face:

EDIT: Turns out the problem is not the trophy itself, but the cap items instead. Items obtained from the 500 conquest cap can NOT be socketed or corrupted!


What a joke! All my characters are stuck using pve gear already and now this


Wow, that’s kinda crappy. Why the heck couldn’t we do that? Interesting.


Working as intended ™


If you couldn’t socket raid gear how long do you think it would take them to fix it?


A whole expansion lol

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Did you put in a ticket? That seems unintended.


I did. 10 days wait time and my hopes aren’t that high.

Yikes, 10 days? But yeah, now I’m curious to see if we could socket a PvP item and use a Trophy on it afterwards.

:thinking: :exploding_head:

It’s possible to use a trophy on an already-socketed item, and it keeps the socket with the new ilvl. At least when it comes to items that rolled with a socket when they dropped.


If only I knew that before throwing away a trophy that takes you 7 weeks to obtain :upside_down_face:


The pve hunter bow was like this. It took them a about a week to fix after people put in tickets. And they did fix it for people that had already done it/ it wasn’t working for. Hopefully this is the same.

It isn’t. --------

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That much I knew. Was just referring to the interaction between applying a socket from the vendor. It sounds like there’s some interaction between that and the trophy not working on the same item.


wait what, I did that with my wep though

I had the same problem - used 475 trophy on MH and now can’t add socket. I have a 465 same wep that seems to allow me to add a socket… maybe socket first then trophy… too late for me to try.

This is what CS sent me after 4 days:
In addition, items that can not roll a socket are ineligible for this. This applies to items received from for the weekly Conquests Reward quest turn in, as the item selected from that quest can not roll a socket.

Any luck on support helping yet?

“that item cannot roll a socket”?
What a BS answer.

Ffs thats why we are putting a socket on it. So that it will have a socket.

And it is actually not even true. I have several items with sockets from the pvp conquest reward (the one where you select the item).