You can't nerf incursion XP after all the botters and streamers are done leveling

Was looking forward to leveling alts to ‘Phase Max Level’. Hoping I can still do this reasonably with Incursions. – I’ve done the quests more times than the years most of you have been alive; I’m sick of them. And I don’t always want to ‘group up’.

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I haven’t done one group in incursions. Got the set np. I mean, everyone still has to click the dream touched dragon egg, etc, right? If only one person has to, then I understand the group obsession. But you can get shared quests at the ramp and then just go solo pretty easily.

I’m soloing Feralas now, and it’s fine too. But I’m a lock so that helps. Just have to skip the ?? bosses.

love to hear that everyone got to 50 already with incursions nice and quick now ill have to grind my booty off just to catch up! thanks

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They aren’t being nerfed…

Y’all really need to read the blue post in its entirety

Well good news because they are increasing the XP buff so the value isn’t going to change, just other stuff is going to be better to do IN ADDITION to. But understanding how changes work might be hard for some.

Killless runs are only working because of the layer system stacking up players instead of distributing them to reduce population and competition. So you just walk without being pestered by those mobs. But try it when there aren’t trains of players. It’s brutal, the normal mobs are overtuned, stronger than similar level dungeon elite mobs.

In this system normal questing is terrible. Lots of players hunting the same mobs with abysmal quest item drop rates.

The fix for making questing more appealing is simple just make 100% drop rate for everyone in the group and deal with the exceptions like quests requiring meat from mobs.

I’d love to know why this smooth brain take is being parroted by the shills. Blizzard want to nerf the XP from incursions as it’s too good. They are going to GUT them. 25% extra xp from the buff is not going to offset the massive incoming nerfs to incursion XP.

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If that was true they would have nerfed them already

They literally could have fixed that on Thursday when they fix the gold

They had to wait until all the paid sh… streamers had made 1000’s gold and got multiple characters to 50. It’s safe to nerf now.

Maybe you can’t read but I said they could have done that when they reduced the gold amount.

Meaning they weren’t making more gold then because the amount was reduced it could have also reduced the experience then but they didn’t.

All they’re going to do is reduce it so the 25% experience buff offsets it just like they said in their blue post

Says the nerf would be happening today, has it not happened? Are they waiting until reset to put the do changes in? Please report back here with xp value of turn ins, pre nerf the no kill quests gave approx. 7800xp.

it was nice while it lasted guys, time for my alts to start gatekeeping bad specs out of ZF… for optimal leveling speed.

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Not to mention reducing the exp would actually mean these people make MORE gold. These quests do not convert exp to gold at 50 so as soon as you hit 50 they are instantly worth 1/3 the gold. The more exp they cut from these quests (likely actually none between the two changes) then people will just have to do more quests to finish which means they make more gold.

Nothing is stopping you? Log in and do 10 laps and youll be level 45.

Hurry up

Nerfed 50%.

Good Will Hunting behind the wheel over here, listen up everybody!

They can and they will. This usnt the first timr they have done this. Im starting to believe its on purpose at this point.

how exactly are you getting “shared” quest if you’re not in a group… You only get the quest you get from notes and you get TONS of duplicates.

Incursions are getting rpughly a 60% nerf to xp

Yup, i was wrong.

It does happen.

They gutted them.

Prolly still fastest way to level tho.

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