You can't nerf incursion XP after all the botters and streamers are done leveling

It’s not being nerfed , everything else is just being buffed? Imagine if blizzard could figure out how to do this with classes.

Even with the other stuff being buffed incursions are still going to be the fastest way to level.

My buddy just leveled a shaman to 50 starting at level 40 today.

He was averaging about 15 to 20 minutes a level from 40 to 45 and then 25 minutes a level from 45 to 49 and then level 49 to 50 took 36 minutes

And he made 300g

Absolutely, I leveled this shammy and my priest from 40-50 playing a few hours Friday night and most of Saturday but i only made around 250g each.

If your group knows how to share quests the levels just fly.

nah they just gave the first few 1k gold and then nerf the xp too :slight_smile:

They aren’t nerfing the experience

Some people do genuinely believe that anyone who is better than them is a literal no job basement dweller, even when they’re objectively terrible at the game. I’ve seen people acting like learning the route in Ashenvale was some monumental feat of willpower and they couldn’t be bothered to tell anyone else how to do it or learn it, since I’ve seen this from both sides.

I literally took one run where nobody actually explained the no kill route to understand it just following the group that invited me, and I didn’t even know no-kill runs were a thing when they invited me. I figured out a few more things as time went on and within 3 runs I was actively explaining things to new people as the group shifted when people capped/took breaks and saw the above.

One guy refused to learn the route and left saying how I was a no-lifer for having learned it, and then like an hour later someone else left a group I started because I was explaining the route to someone who was just starting as we went along and when I pinged him asking why he left he responded with basically “teaching isn’t worth the time if they didn’t already learn” but in much less forum appropriate language. This was on Friday which was the first chance I had to actually sit down and play the new phase so neither was I in there first thing nor was it reasonable to expect that anyone should already “know” anything about this.


I don’t get why people refuse to try and be better.

I can’t fathom doing something as a hobby or anything else for years and just be like naw I like being garbage at it.

This game is so easy to get better at.

It’s 2024 and people still clicking and back peddling

The people in raid who did to every mechanic because they are clicking and need to watch their action bars at all times.

I literally can’t fathom it.



Have you been seeing any of the changes they’ve made?

If something “might get nerfed” it’s hit brutally hard.

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If the xp nerf isn’t 25% then they are actually buffing the xp you get. If it’s 25% nothing changes, except kill quests are more worthwhile. This is likely a change purely to reduce gold farming at 50.

Where they say they’re too much of a good thing. You’re coping by parsing words.

Until it goes live we obviously won’t see the exact changes but based on their statements over all incursions should give about the same amount of exp as they do now.

They’re lowering the base exp of incursions and raising the exp buff from joyous journey.

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Dungeon leveling isn’t fun. Its actually huge grief to do anything because if you want to be at all optimal with it you have to deal with mobs that cant be slowed or cc’d after x amount of time which doesn’t stop the boosters it just ruins your average players experience.

I’m sorry reading is hard for you.

We’ll see, not holding my breath.

You seem to have completely missed my point

You barely get any rep prior to 50

Theyre nerfed incrusions by 50%, while buffing the xp buff by 25%.

Incrusions is nerfed by 25% if the xp buff even affects it. It might be a solid 50% overall the quest turn ins.

Anyone who thinks it isnt nerfed is a fool, they made it blantly obvious in the post that the entire reason theyre even making this change is because the exp was too much. So connect the dots.

Well, by leveling in incursions, even solo, I now have my full rep set. It was two birds with one stone. Yeah you don’t have the set right when you ding, but you are that much closer. Thus it’s the most efficient way to level. Not to mention the insane xp.

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Full rep set
AND gold.

Thats 3 birds sir

Edit: 4, forgot rune

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There has been nothing on the numbers yet.