You can't nerf incursion XP after all the botters and streamers are done leveling

I did two laps and got 3 levels pre nerf

If you get a couple 12 slammers at level 40 it was so wild lol

So tru.

Most people have already leveled up their mains. Now people are in alt leveling mode and fast leveling benefit everyone who need to level their alt.

If they dont like it, thats also okay as they can level their alts through other means (and even take off the exp buffs if they want).

It was on purpose. Season of Gating was always the intention. It began devolving from “explore and discover new things by playing the game” etc. to “fan service for retail content locusts” very early and this is the peak. You can barely even get a dungeon group now unless you’re already 50 because nobody wants to feel like they’re “carrying” anyone or being slowed down by a non-50 toon even though you’re a few levels above the minimum for the dungeon.

With the nerf, they’ve shut off the only mechanic that would allow for any catch-up, effectively locking everyone in two camps for at least a week or two, but more likely longer, since everyone does everything they can to pull up the ladder behind them. All the while they pretend that what amounted to a bumrush of “play the game by not playing the game” was evidence of people “liking” the content. They didn’t. They literally hated it so much that instead of playing it, they found a way to essentially not play it in a way that actually maximized the efficiency of obtaining blatantly and predictably overtuned rewards by avoiding as much of the NIs as possible.

And that Josh character gloats that they’re “loving watching everyone playing it”. No, they’re “loving” the numbers they can superficially misrepresent as a false positive. IT. WAS. INTENTIONAL. Just watch how they report it in their quarterlies to sharehholders. One giant lie attributing player satisfaction to the NI content manufactured by designing them to create an illusion of participation they could misrepresent as customer satisfaction.

It’s pump and dump at its core. NIs were a meme stock.

At this point, I truly hope we watch an exodus as the butterfly effect causes exponential exacerbation of the levelling and gold gap and increases the gating effect (which is also clearly a deliberately fostered aspect of SoD at this point too). The sole reason Blizz is getting any support from people for this debacle is because some people got massive advantages from it…which is another part of the intended effect of the gating as well: it serves to provide positive reinforcement for the people who landed on the right side of the gate.


This season has indeed discovered how whiney the wow classic fanbase is

The season of FoMo is legit.

100% convinced at this point all Blizzard’s resources were focusing on their desperate attempt to get a piece of the Battle Royale market with Plunderstorm (5 years too late) and they literally forgot about SoD P3.

I suspect there was a huge crunch the week before release to cobble together whatever they had and get it out into production.

Seems like some people should probably login and play the game instead of complaining about features they are not even using.

See, this is my I can respect Drinknblink. Anyone who can admit error and restate things with new information is ok in my book. Learn from this, internet.


Thought they were supposed to buff it well this sucks. I had my main and alt to level stull been buisy with work now im punished

Ya, I mean I don’t always want to run group content (ie dungeons). So these Incursions have been nice; just fire up my alt account and ping-pong the ‘no kill’ quests between them. Usually end up with 7-9 quests to do and turn in.

It’s a good ol’ mindless farming that you can tune out and watch Netflix; if you die…oh well. No one’s gonna scream at you for not paying attention.


How dare humans do what they want with their time.

You OK?

That’s the problem here, isn’t it? People aren’t doing what they want, they’re doing what they feel like they have to even though they don’t

Are you ok?

So they are or are not doing what they want,

Are you ok?

Passive aggressive child.

You shouldn’t talk about yourself like that

Why start a conversation if you’re just gonna sperg out and run lol.

Blocked thanks for playing.

Bro you replied to me

Seriously, are you feeling alright? This is starting to sound like a cry for help

Looking at that post history I can see I’m not losing anything of value being ignored

Welp a short amount of time proved tou wrong the hyper nerfed everything… gold, xp, and rep are nowhere near what they were the first day let alone first few days. For 40 plus content receiving less than a gold makes this unviable compared to quest at this level group compared to the 3-4 gold from regular questing. Went from a bar and a half in xp per quest turn in to barely seeing it move, as far as rep it looks as if it doesnt move at all smdh. Blizzard breaks something at launch and people quickly realize and take advantage. Blizzard takes there time to “fix” mistake and completely breaks it in the other direction. At this point just take it out of the game. I never like to get on here and complain but holy hell a spade is a spade.

People really getting hit with FOMO on some nerfed incursions when they had plenty of time to level.

I agree i actually enjoyed it for what its worth. You dont actually need a group and averaging 7-9 quest per run is nice and if there was anying thing i was waiting on i killed mobs a little to knock down those quest as well. Just feel like the nerf was a little severe for a new event they created for this phase… most people are now just camping the quest giver for honor smdh