You can't nerf incursion XP after all the botters and streamers are done leveling

good argument was not thinking about it

Not only can they…

They will.

killless runs will be gone most likely. i hope anyway.

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They need to delete it entirely. It is unfun.

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The rep is garbage until you unlock the one daily. It also isn’t going anywhere

Regardless, you are killing two birds with one stone by leveling there. It is by far the best way to level XP-wise as well. And most players only enjoy games if they know they are playing them efficiently. It’s not optional to do inefficient slow-gains content for these players.

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You* only enjoy games if you* know you* are playing them efficiently

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LOL yeah. This seems like a mental health issue tbh.

That is correct, and I’m far from alone. This is a very common trait of gamers. That’s why websites like wowhead and maxroll all are very popular. Your ignorance of this fact is irrelevant.

Most players like to be playing efficiently.

You far from speak for everyone else, too

That “playing efficiently” is why everyone hates retail, because it makes them feel like they have to log in every day and do their checklist or they’ll fall behind for good. People don’t like to play efficiently, they feel like they have to

They are nerfing the no kill strat and trying to force people into the mob grinding quests, which nobody wants to do.

They need to be adding more layers if they do that. I think they should do that, or at least when you drop a kill quest you cannot replace that slot with a pickup quest from sharing. You have to go kill the demons outside and roll the dice for a new quest.

It’s way too cheesy in groups right now. Like ridiculously.

But there’s really no good answer. This should have been all figured out on a PTR. Whatever move they make will be criticized, and validly.

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The xp is staying the same.

And the bonus exp from joyous journeys is being increased which will make the amount of exp from incursions stay roughly the same. Next time try readin the entire article.

It will just increase the exp from questing/dungeoning.


I got two 50s and Im not a bot or a streamer.

Dont nerf its great from my gamer dad friends. Im being serious, this mode is badass for people who cant play alot and im loving it.

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Gotta make sure all the streamers get their alts leveled before nerfing for the rest.


You are making some assumptions that just don’t jive with reality. Nowhere does blizzard state how much they will be reducing the incursion XP by and as it stands currently the kill quests reward more XP already by the nature of the fact you get XP from the kills and the quest turn in. The kill quests are already more lucrative they just are not worth the time and aggravation vs the no-kill/Boss kill quests.

This is true all they’ve said is that the intent is that the exp from incursions will be net neutral after the various changes. They may or may not actually hit that.

It’s not being nerfed…