You just proved my point. Yes, it is. A higher tiered ability, aka a DPS damage output. Yes, it’s common sense, but, yes, it is 100% still min/maxing.
If blizzard didn’t impose a 1 month period after each race change, do you think that World First raiders would not have been doing this? I’m 1000% certain they would be, if they had the money and blizzard let them do it, they would be going to this degree too. It’s quite stupid just how extreme this thing goes over a game. Granted, world first I guess would be a different story since I do not know if they would have sponsors for coming in 2nd over 1st or as many sponsors. I’m certain they would, but then again maybe not?
Yes, I understand fully well to the degree that people do this, and I find it to be an idiotic concept that, where there is no money involved like sponsorships or job, people would go to this extreme degree for this. It makes absolutely no sense to me. Play the game for fun, not for the numbers, is what makes sense to most of us. Enjoy the class/spec you chose, do the role you wanna do/play and enjoy the content without needing to worry about being kicked off the team or being swapped / subbed out. However, players that min/max often do not do this, as their happiness comes from numbers, which again doesn’t make sense to me. I know I enjoy competition amongst guildies and whatnot, but, you should not ever be first on every single boss in every single scenario.
Again, this is all part of min/maxing. It might be common sense to you or seem like it, but, to one degree or another it is actually min/maxing. Yes, we all do it, but when I talk about most min/maxers I do not mean those who do it casually or just every now and again. I mean those who go to the very extremes that they would be mad about a 0.5% dmg difference between races. They would be mad about the covenant system not giving them what they want despite this being an MMORPG where MMO means multiplayer and RPG being role playing, as in consequences matter, choices matter. The talent system alone makes it hard to believe this game is an RPG because you can literally swap talents on a whim, which goes against a lot of the old style of RPG elements and should honestly never have existed in games.
Yes, even in old DnD rules way back when, you could min/max, however min/maxing came at a cost of your ability to do things in other areas. You were not able to min/max every aspect of a game/campaign. You were, however, able to min/max a portion where the portion your character is good at is ridiculously awesome for that niche. Again, though, it was for that niche alone. Nobody could make a perfect character. That was the entire point!
And now there’s plenty of people who complain that their character cannot do everything at the same time? No. Your character should never be able to do everything at once unless you are in a single player game. The whole concept of MMO is playing with others. Yes, I know you do not wanna let down the other 19 people in your mythic raid. Are you going to because you cannot pull out 150% of your character’s potential? No. This game, the mythic raiding scene is more about doing mechanics properly than it is about reaching 100000 DPS per character in that group. Yes, there are some DPS checks, but are they the majority of the raid? No, they actually are not. They haven’t had a full DPS check raid since either Wrath or Cata, when they learned to not do that so much and just give us mechanics instead. Will it take longer? Yes, it will, but you will reach the end goal.
Yes, people do this enough too.
In most cases, the difference isn’t 20%. It’s 2%, at most, and most people get offended when you tell them 2% isn’t a big deal. In actual numbers, it really is not a big deal. The big deal can only be a big deal if your group wipes at a 1% or less wipe, which is far less common than people think or believe. Even if that ends up being the case, it isn’t because people didn’t pull out the character’s potential. It’s because someone messed up on mechanics and/or died. Literally everything attributed to this is because of mechanics and people messing up mechanics in one form or another.