"you can't edit this field until you secure your account with the battle.net Authenticator and SMS protect"

thanks all got the info that was needed

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Its not going out to the public, and you already give them your email, address, and bank account information

You can also still post groups without it.


You can’t post mythic plus groups with out it. Why would they gate things off to paying customers…

There are plenty of reasons, you just don’t like them

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Hold on…You really think linking your bnet account to use an authenticator which protects your account, goes to the public?

To combat bot groups

Even in your title you said you can’t edit this field.

Not being able to edit a field is not the same as not being able to post a group.


You can still list and form your own groups, you just cant enter a custom description


no you cant form mythic plus dungeons. This is what the topic is about do half of you even read?

But you can. So you are wrong.


You can though

How can someone have a high enough iq to run 20s but not figure out they can list a key without editing the description? I’m so confused.


lol… That’s not even true. The LFG window auto-fills that. Nothing stopping you from listing the group with “+20” as the title like everyone else.

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you are making yourself look incredibly dumb. I would delete this thread if i were you.

Show the rest of the image that you cropped out that lets you start the group


You seem to have a habit of addressing people in this way. Keep it up. The inevitable consequences will be amusing.

How do you have that many achievement points and play this long and not know this was a thing months ago?

Or is this just one of those dredge up old news with fake outrage for attention because you heard being edgy was cool?

cheers thanks

Authenticator or sms should be enough.

Just double-checked. They even allow you to set minimum ilvl, set completion goals (standard, timed, or completion), list voice chat requirements, or say no cross faction…all without using custom texts.