I bought this on my main… mailed it to another server/alt.
Logged into my alt to retrieve from mail and got error:
You can’t carry any more of those items
despite this NOT being in my inventory or bank, i cannot retrieve from my mailbox.
seems like a bug. as a result, anyone facing this issue will NOT be able to run Onyxia’s lair on SoD
Id report it in bug forums but go into more detail then just title.
Not another in the warbank either?
Out of curiosity, how would not being able to loot this stop you from running the raid?
Does the character you transferred it too have it equipped?
If you truly can’t find it on the character then you’ll have to do a bug report either in game or on the Classic Bug report forum here, posting on Customer Service won’t get the info to the needed team.
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Generally, if you cannot retrieve a Unique item it means that you already have one somewhere. While it is possible that not being able to do so could be a bug, it is rare.
In your case, Blasfemy, I assume this is on your level 60 Human Priest? It appears you are wearing A Chipped Drakefire Amulet. Do you not see it on your character?
You might be able to return the mail to sender, back to your other Priest.