You CAN make your logs private

I have no idea why so many people are whining about logs on the forums, but if you genuinely cared enough about logs you’d just make a WCL account, claim your characters, and set your logs to private.

You will then no longer show up when searched.

Why would you want this? I have no idea.
A person who does not wish to be measured does not wish to improve.


This whole judging people by their logs is the weirdest and most controlling behavior I have ever seen. I don’t care to set mine to private or not, but if you (not op) bring it up i’m gonna think you’re an insane person and me avoiding you would make me more happy.


A lot of mediocre people out there that are fine with that. Lots of people arent interested in learning and bettering themselves, they just settle because its easier that way.

Such is the world.



Why would someone not want to do bigger numbers, or to not die to the fire on the ground? Could you really call such people gamers or players? More like robots running a script without emotion or logic.

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And the people they group with should have the right to decide if they’re fine with that.


This is some super gas-lighty crock-of-crap nonsense.

Some people just don’t want you dorking out over their logs. Logs are not a measurement of success in any capacity; It’s a game - fun is the measurement of success… and not everyone thinks chasing parses/burning gold on consumables is fun.


Not needed. Email your characters to WCL support and they will hide them for you.

I’ve already done this, and will continue to do so for all alts.

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This is true, i’ve also seen people avoid mechanics in retail wow and ff14 because “mah parse”. Your parse is stupid and causing people to stress over extra things cause you wont do your job! Its like pvpers in WSG who just stay in middle to fight then say they are the best pvper in the match cause they have the top damage as they ignore the flags from our side and the enemy side.


Imagine trying to get a job but you get upset when they look at your CV/Resume.
Excuse me, I dont want you dorking out over my resume/cv.

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well even if my main has purple-orange parses it doesn’t really matter for my alt and if my alt joins a bad group and ends up with some crappy green parses then it’s like that character is bricked for a lot of pug groups until I can get some good parses lol

Would that be because your alt isnt in good gear? Or mayhap because its an alt you are not as good at playing it as your main?

Yes, everyone who doesn’t like parsing just hide your logs. So that most pugs just instantly refuse you.

Self grief to the maximum.

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with prebis, someone who parses oranges should probably be able to parse some low purples or at least high blues on an alt unless the group you join is a gong show and then if your wcl page is sitting with green parses it’s like having a bad resume

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Use this in the next “Who’s the greatest, Michael or Kobe or Lebron?” discussion you overhear.

Not even remotely similar, since to parse well the boss has to be defeated, which requires damage and healing. If you think people who ignore mechanics parse well, instead consider they are doing so much damage so as to trivialize the mechanics, or else they would die and parse 0.

It’s a team game and you’re actively choosing to refute the system that measures your growth as a player. From that perspective, why should 9 strangers be inclined to rely on you?

Comments like this tell me how much of a unloved and awful person you are irl. Self red flag behavior to the maximum.

Recruiting exclusively high parses probably means the recruiter wants to be carried. Same as the retail people asking for Heroic / Mythic ahead of the curve achievements for a normal pug raid group.


if it’s private, i assume 0%.


False equivalency.

They may not be “trivializing” mechanics so much as expecting their healers to carry them through the mechanic instead. It’s very much the “healers adjust” meme from FF14.


It’s a team game and you’re actively choosing to refute the system that measures your growth as a player. From that perspective, why should 9 strangers be inclined to rely on you?

Might want to reread that post champ.

You did not just compare yourself to a famous athlete :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

if you cannot parse at least mid blues I have to assume you’re too lazy to look up how to simply do your rotation… or you were too lazy to get pre-bis… either way I’m not taking you to be a detriment to my raid. sorry not sorry /shrug