You can literally get banned for calling somebody a snowflake

You can literally google where Blizzard has banned people for exploiting and you can literally find out that they take their time doing it so they don’;t ban the wrong people. Literally.


Every player (streamer or not) is bound by the TOS.
The OP says that you can be muted / banned for no reason which is patentently false

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You can get banned for that? And people are getting layer bans, I believe.

I took his meaning differently as in you can get muted/banned for saying something mean to another player but won’t get banned for exploiting a bug.

actually you can get banned for both, if you are getting a suspension or ban for language you have been warned many times.


OP being a snowflake lol

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What happens if you call them a snowball?

Sure. For most of us, yes. However, I bet there are certain players that are given more leeway. And I’m not saying that’s necessarily wrong.

And get banned again? No thank you :joy: I’ve “pic’d or it was made up” before and I got banned from the forums.

You can’t talk about your bans. Blizzard has a gag order

Actually, you can’t “literally” get banned for that. Blizzard reserves bans for extreme cases. Bans are a permanent lock of the account. Blizzard might do an account suspension, but that’s not a ban.

If you (or some third party you claim to know all the details about) actually got an account suspension for nothing more than calling someone a snowflake, that tells me you’ve got a history of problem chat. Penalties do accrue, so if you have an inability to use chat appropriately, it will quickly add up to longer and longer suspensions.

You mean the people who are getting suspensions and removal of gains?

One notable difference here is that if you say something that will be penalized, the investigation and account action are fast. It’s easy to see what was typed. Abusing layers is more complex, and the investigation into whether it was an intentional exploit of the situation rather than inadvertent, as well as what gains need to be removed. The account action isn’t quick. The difference isn’t some top-level support of exploiters.


this post offends me

Are all the people who exploited the bug getting banned?

Sooo would love to know how you get your info that you won’t get banned for layer exploiting?

zero bans yet

And how would you know?

Repeating - suspensions are not bans. As for whether account actions are occurring or going to occur, I’d refer to Lore’s post:

Note the “Very Weird Stuff”. That’s what Blizzard goes through and looks at. Was it an accident? Were they aware? All that requires time and effort to review on each account involved.

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sounds like a good way to wait until people forget and then not have to ban any streamers.


I image a few of them, the lesser known ones, will take the fall. The others will be in the clear.

But you can lose all your trust rating and be down graded to rank 1. And from what I know it seems permanent. So, it’s a server punishment for something so insignificant.

Or you’re an ignorant salty moron talking out of his a**? Ya, that one seems much more likely. Hey! My brother’s wife’s cousin’s best friend said everyone got a 1 year ban! See? I can make things up with zero proof too!

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