Well tbh, Not all “Trolls” are trolls. Many are victims of this new age thing where people cry and get outraged over every little thing. Granted sometimes it is warranted. But other times it’s people having skin so soft a snowflake could cut it.
They certainly seem to think so, anyways.
Why can’t their superior thick skin handle being squelched for a little bit?
You’d think they wouldn’t take it so personally.
yep its sad but I’m following in your steps too! we use discord for 99% of our communication now with guild and friends.
Honestly it’s pretty easy to get silenced and suspended. Especially if your account is as old as WoW is.
The penalties are compounding, and the more you have the easier it is to get punished. As someone who grew up on the internet as an edgy tryhard, it’s a pretty thin line to walk now with an older account.
You’re just proving my point.
Because censorship at the level where they give everyone this super safe space is beyond ridicules. If you can’t handle certain things you simply do not belong on the internet. Period. That isn’t to say people should run around name calling, or being complete jerks. However there is a line, people also shouldn’t be getting offended by absolutely everything. It’s gone too far.
Lets be honest here, Children like super young children in pre-school don’t get nearly as offended as adults do now days.
Considering this place is a fairly active hotbed of political discussion, it doesn’t seem to be working very well. If it was so censored, wouldn’t it just be an echo chamber with only one viewpoint?
Or - hot take - maybe some people should stop being offensive.
To be fair blizzard is in California. A state that has buildings where you can cuddle with a professional cuddler.
Man, I tried not to laugh…but I did.
There isn’t a universally accepted point where something becomes offensive though.
Problem is in today’s easily offended society you could tell someone to have a nice day and they’d get triggered.
You disagreed with someone. I find that offensive. They should mute you.
Ah, I see we’re not having an actual discussion.
Have fun with it, then.
Because a true thick skin knows they are aware of living in an online game. Where they understand individual anonymity, unfortunately, sometimes breeds the worst.
But a true thick skin understands when a troll speaks. It’s more bark than bite.
And silence in-game goers don’t?
Personally, what I learned is when a system is this broken the only way they will care to fix it is if you (ab)use it and break it. By that I mean get in a large guild and mass report random people for no reason. Just make up something you were offended by.
Historically, this has been the primary and most efficient way to communicate with the developers. Well reasoned and thought out arguments are ignored by them (see: RealID / Real name issue).
Or just pick something to be offended by and mass report it. Play their own ‘game’ against them. They won’t like it but they’ll get over it.
No we are. It’s just that is the level of ridicules it has come with people these days. People actively seek out reasons to be offended. You are not allowed to be yourself because no matter what you say or do. There will always be atleast one person capable of finding something offensive.
Honestly that’s not really possible. Different people have different expectations and it’s not possible to make everyone happy. Some people aren’t gonna like your sense of humor, or your beliefs.
We live in an age where anything can be taken as offensive, even if it isn’t. There’s too much fake outrage, and the report system is the perfect example of that. I could go into chat and say “Hello” and be banned if enough people report me.
This might sound mean but people need to grow up.
I do think Blizzard did the best course with chat,those that do have mental issues would see that text ,even children,and become effected by this.Sernius video he posted is a good example ,some I actually face ,in dungeon-raids and on the terrace in the vale of eternal blossom.Being poked and laugh at being a mage is no fun.
I was in game at launch and have never been silenced or banned, and I never miss an opportunity to tell someone they are wrong.
You’re not wrong.