Incase you didn’t know, while the season has ended, just like previous gaps between seasons you can earn regular non-seasonal achievements, like 2.1k in 2v2s and rated bgs.
So, who cares? The elite title and cosmetic rewards are only seasonal.
Thats correct, but only for arena.
You still wont be able to earn any cosmetics, but rated battleground titles work differently, they are not seasonal and once you get the achievement you earn the title forever.
I believe starting at 1000 rating you earn a title and every 100 rating after that all the way up to 2400. Military themed titles like for example 2200 on horde you get the title ‘General’.
If you go into your achievements in World of Warcraft under PvP and rated battlegrounds section you can see what rating gives what titles.
Also you can see blizzard changed the title requirements, so all the titles can be earn from Rated battlegrounds OR Solo rated battleground.
So yeah, if youre bored or simply never pushed rating in bgs before, all 14 of those titles could possibly be yours. =)
Can you get the rated bg rating achievements?
I thought you had to wait until expansion release cause technically there is no rating on it right now cause there is no season.
Probably won’t get there but hoping I can score a HWL or GM title out of preseason. lol Was stoked to learn it worked, though.
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Check achievements under rated battlegrounds. They updated everything to include Rated Battleground Blitz.
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Do we get rating points like 2s and 3s or hundreds like SS?
Starting to slow down after 1500, think we got around 1600 last night and went up 95 instead of a few hundred. Will probably slow down to 20ish per win like RBGs at some point.
how r these fully geared players doing 3 million damage tota in 10 minute game
this game mode has a serious bot problem
no way a fully geared mage in ToK map can only muster 3 million damage… dude is either a bot or a literal vegetable in a nursing home wtf
I have been getting the rating based achievements since pre-patch and their associated titles
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Not everything. RBG specific achieves, such as wins for the Legion artifact appearance or Warbound Veteran, do not include RBB wins.
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Yeah, I should have specified I meant the rank titles.
The achievements were changed to include Blitz and aren’t technically seasonal so it’d make sense that they can be earned between seasons.
The titles are all acc-wide now, including hero.
Are these titles permanent, or only per-season?
Perm. They’re technically BG titles from Vanilla.
Ah I see! Yeah I have the Grand Marshal one from Vanilla on my Mage, however, I don’t see it as a selectable title on my other characters.
the vanilla versions may not be account wide- just the RBG versions
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Kinda wild that I just got my first rated battleground titles in 13 years. Thank you Blitz! 
Got 1650+ or so from doing about 20 or so Blitz in a day, then my rating suddenly reset back to zero? And yes, did get the military titles from that rating, but no progress towards my Artifact weapon appearance.
Do you unlock BoA conquest boxes at 1400?
It seems you cannot unlock this solely from rated BGB. I submitted a bug report for this: Draconic Equipment Chest (PVP chest) not purchasable even with 1400 rating in rated BGB … but I wouldn’t hold my breath on it getting fixed before TWW.
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