"You are not pulling enough"

you should always 100% be pulling as much as your party can handle, and never doing anything else as the tank.
tanks are doing very high damage rn like they were in bfa, even mroeso with the changes to prot pally now having the highest tank dps in the game (and will stay that way into shadowlands same with the healer)
the aoes being capped isnt really what matters your still ahrming alot of mobs at once which is what actually matters. going from one small group to the next takes forever and no one likes doing this if you dont have to.

like the difference between pulling every single mod in ragefire chasm up to the first boss and killing them all at the boss, vs fighting each group individually up to that boss. one is significantly faster.

if the tank is doing more than the dps its for two reasons though. one the dps is just bad, or two the dps is playing a class thats just bad.
like a rogue will always be bottom of the board rn unless everyone else just sucks its just how the class balance works, tanks are going to be atm stronger than most classes due to how the prepatch effected everything
but like unholy dk and beastmaster for example who have no actual aoe cap are dishing out constant super high dps numbers rn and so are shadow priests and afliction warocks due to also not having an aoe cap

no i see it daily at least once, i play for at least 7 hours a day and i get one dungeon with somone complaining about the tank, the dps, or somthing else random. it usually leads to somone leaving or getting kicked to

I don’t care what reasons they are, at the same gear level no tank should pull more than the DPS and no healer should be pulling the same as the DPS, it’s just not right. And this AOE cap is going to yet again let tanks run wile doing more than DPS.

Which is good for me as long as they don’t nerf tanks to nothing in SL, I might even be happy to run a full offensive conduit setup and just quest as a tank pulling 20 mobs at a time, but it’s still just stupid that it even happens.

They weren’t Unholy I guess.

Pile it up, Outbreak, Epidemic, Epidemic, Epidemic.


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Pull what you want then yell at them for having crap DPS

Same…just the usual “hey” and “gg” at the end.

in my experiences tanking, if you actually acknowledge you did something wrong most people will be completely fine with it. However if you try to deflect blame people will naturally dislike you as you come off as someone who doesn’t take any form of criticism well even if its necessary.

Who even taking locks to dungeons? Waste of slot.

Dude, come on, my mother didn’t wanted to make me have a surgery for my deviated septum when I was a kid, it’s not my fault my nose doesn’t work properly. :frowning:

Um, actually, if that makes someone angry, I do it everytime :japanese_ogre:. Those people deserve to be triggered.