You are more than welcome to come to a bg sub 100k hp

Option to “customize” secondary stats is proxy for “I want better gear than other players”. If PvP gear was bis then why would you ever want to customize it?


Secondary stat customization is important because you want different secondary stats for different reasons for different specs. When we had PvP vendors you could pick from multiple options with different secondary stats for some slots.

As an example of why Legion templates were bad because of secondary stats, holy paladins in legion had garbage crit chance in PvP. Because of templates they had no ability to change this. This was bad because their entire main mechanic revolved around getting crits and there were multiple artifact traits also revolving around crit. You could actually get holy shock to 100% crit chance in PvE (which made infusion 100% reliable), but it was not possible in PvP because you had no way to alter your secondary stat weights in Legion.

In an ideal world you may have multiple viable secondary stat combos for the same spec that you could go after for different reasons and possibly pick different talents and things like that to go along with them, but for most specs that’s probably not really the case. An example that sort of went in that direction was BfA holy paladin with glimmer of light (azerite trait) which might favor more haste than you’d want without it.


Builds are an amazing thing to tinker with. OPTIONS.
You will always have your “cookie cutter” setups but players enjoy options via choices.
“One off” Builds are always fun IMO.


Having 400 gear is as good as having no gear .

You may want to rephrase that to 450 + gear.


what pvp will you be doing with locked xp at 109?

I got a 55k healer in WSG last night. GG Blizz


Is there an active bracket at 109?

Immediate AFK … unless you want to get farmed for next 20 minutes

not xp locked, no. queues are all over the map with xp on depending on time of day and what not

You had multiple options for each piece. Like in WoD some people liked to get the 4 set bonus others would just get the 2 set.
Did you go for a haste build, maybe crit, or mastery, maybe you wanted to stack vers?

Either way there was plenty to customize.

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So heres a question. What’s worse. A player who just joined my bg match with 40k hp(literally 40k), or the rest of the team not caring. Is that the state of bgs these days? No one cares?


Last night was playing Packed House on my Alliance alt, in one of the games we had a Monk healer with 53k health and still wearing quest greens :grimacing:

Take a guess how the match went for us :laughing:

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This has been my experience the past couple weeks.
They yell ‘I’m just here to have fun!’ ‘We are just here for fun!’
Idk how they find being GY camped fun. I must be missing something.

I just stealth away. :slight_smile:

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I swear I never heard so much complaining about undergeared players ruining BG’s when we could buy honor gear from vendors.


This absolutely was complained about then.

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It’s the wow forums, bringing you the best in complaining since they’ve been online!

I would say there’s been an uptick in gear complaints ever since it became BGs with exp. Without exp, levelers used to come on, get the doggy doo stomped out of them and not come back until cap. Now it’s a place for levelers apparently.

I’m triggered by Jugaa’s plague doctor mask avatar.

If there was enough of you playing XPOff I am sure it would be fine. I am so glad I can level via BG’s. So, it is a place for both groups. As it should be.

You know whats better than a fresh 120 undergeared toon in a BG?

Being a fully kitted out character … who takes his clothes off :upside_down_face:

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There isn’t enough people XPoff, that’s why the separate queue sucks. Currently, only one group plays.

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