You are Isekai'd into WoW

Rules are you have to be human but you can select any one class to be, you may multi-class but you have to put the work in, I.E it’d take longer to master two or more classes then it would one. You don’t get to start out as that class though, you have to find someone to teach you the basics of that class.

What class do you select and what do you do?

EDIT: I decided to relax the no multi-class rule, so if you wanted to learn to be a Mage and a Warrior and try to marry the two disciplines that’s up to you. Just know it’d be difficult.

Let’s be real. No one here would get past peon and peasant.


Heh, this is probably true. I know I certainly wouldn’t.

You lost me. I leap off of one of Stormwind Keep’s highest balconies at the first opportunity.


I feel like rogue probably has the best survivability and conflict avoidance, so that.

I’m not trying to die. I’ll just go get a job selling 12 slot bags in the Old District.


what level?
is there respawning for “chosen one” (people who got isekai’d)?
if not, almost everyone doesnt get to end game

Druid. Shapeshifting in to a BEAR, CAT, BIRB, Tree Owl thing etc is quite the ability. the WoW Druid is basically the multi class class thats not a multi class since it can do all roles fairly well.

learn shapeshift, find an inn and sleep in cat/bear form… basically what i did in game before i logged off. >->;


Paladin. :innocent:

i’d ace the heck outta that class.

Beast Mastery hunter. Let my goons carry me. I wouldn’t even know how to aim a gun / shoot an arrow. I could just tell a bear to maul everything to death. Meanwhile, I’d be running around collecting herbs / mining for money.

Start at level one, as you yourself.
I don’t know about respawning. For safety’s sake let’s say you don’t get to respawn on death, you die that’s it. game over.

I’m curious if I should relax on the “Multi-class” rule, like you can multi-class but you have to put the work in and it’d take longer to master two or more classes then it would just one.

Mage who operates a portal service. Seems like it would be good and easy money.


When do we start? In WoW classic? Now? Orcs and humans?

Are we using real world logic or WoW logic? I am sure we could punch boars to death until we have enough money to train to become whatever class we want.

Do we retain our memories?

Are mobs that are hostile in game always hostile? do we have to stay in the alliance?

If we are being safe, I would probably go train as a priest and and then become one of the early paladins.

otherwise, seeking out the scourge and joining as an acolyte sounds fun.

You do realize that IRL you would actually have to take care of those animals?

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I think I’d choose the dead class and I’d probably spend most of my time being a corpse

heads straight to the cheese shop

Lovable rogue scoundrel bard seducing young maidens in Goldshire.

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I thought we were being isekai’d into WoW, is it following game logic or IRL logic? I could probably afford some meat off the vendor if herbs / ore are selling well.

Oof. I’d rather hang out at a cozy inn near Ironforge

:ocean: :snowflake: :ocean: :snowflake:

Hm, Let’s say Classic for simplicity sake.

Since we’re in the World of Warcraft may as well use WoW logic on this one like how most Isekais do.

Yes, you could feasibly tell people about what will happen but there is the chance not a soul will believe you.

Hostile within reason. If we’re talking factions you could be treated more neutral like Khadgar as long as you don’t actively seek to piss either side off.

Is this weeb junk?