You are Isekai'd into WoW

This is weeb junk.

This thread got hit with the unfortunate yet truthful reality by the very first post.



Cheer up, we could be murlocs!

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In that case it seems sensible to go to dalaran once you have punched enough boars lol. It seems relatively safe there, and you don;t have to get involved in the horde vs. alliance stuff. Plus you can learn magic. That seems like an all around win.

True, if you don’t take into account Dalaran tends to float near dangerous locations to be on the forefront of conflict and mages themselves tend to be actively sought out for several reasons, I.E demons drawn to the Arcane, Blue Dragons wanting to exterminate you for misusing the Arcane, Primalists wanting you dead because you use Titan Order magic. Ect ect.

Between scourge invasions, legion invasions, deathwing etc., nowhere is really all that safe. If you’re going there in classic, you could be trained up enough by the time dalaran teleports to go wherever you want. Mage seems like a really safe option because of their ability to teleport.

I bet you could have some real fun with the auction house based on isekai logic.

Probably, be the first Human Trade Prince among goblins.


Can I bend the rules and be a gnome? I’m not making it out alive either way.

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Can I just own the pub in the Mage Quarter?

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I think I’d try to become a mage first. I’m a dev IRL so hopefully I have the mental aptitude required for becoming one. The hardest part would probably be finding a willing teacher… once that’s out of the way it’d just take a long time to master wielding of magic, but I think being able to conjure essentials (food and water) as well as being able to put myself on a different continent or planet when crap hits the fan are such huge boons for survival that the time investment would be more than worth it. The ability to turn enemies into sheep, freeze them in place, or set them on fire sure doesn’t hurt either.

Barring that, becoming a rogue might be smart but it depends a lot on who I’m working for and the type of work they’re having me do. Choosing the wrong employer could put me in the crosshairs and endanger me to the extent that it doesn’t matter if I’m good at hiding in the shadows.

I want to say no, but I’m willing to let you subject yourself to some Gnome experiment to be a gnome, whether you make it out alive is a coin toss.

If that’s what you want to do.


I guess become a Kul’tiran Hunter or something?

Class: I’m going to stay classless. It’s very dangerous out there.
What do: Auction house and Goldshire inn.

Say what you will, at least I’m being honest.

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I’m sorry I guess I should have explained. You’d start out as you. Like imagine a portal just opened under your feet one day and deposited you somewhere in Azeroth.

That said if you had the physique of a Kul’Tiran I guess exception could be made there.

I’m gonna go shadow priest and I’ll go hang out with Yogg and the next time you see me you’ll have to kill me.

It’ll be fun.

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mage teleports are op.

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What’s your answer, OP?

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Human Merchant

I’ll see you guys in Stormwind at my newly opened bar and casino.


Oh, that is a good one, honestly I don’t know. realistically I probably wouldn’t make it pass a sacrificial peasant. It’d be a toss up between Mage or Hunter should I make it to that. Being able to conjure your own food and water would be insanely useful and having teleportation is convenience personified.
Of course I’d have to have the mental acuity for that and well that’s the roadblock. Hunter on the other hand, learning to track my own food, being able to befriend beasts and having ranged weaponry to stay well away from anything bitey and clawy would probably be best.


Your first challenge would be to break the stranglehold that market leaders Hotdice and Rollzforgold have.