You Are Blizzard, How Do You Fix The Game With

You think you’re insulting me, but I wish I was 12.

Life was so simple back then.

All I had to do was to study a little bit the day before my school tests to score better than almost everybody in class and then play video games on every other day.

There was no back pain. No arterial hypertension. No worrying about whether or not I’ll be able to finish my Master’s degree. No nothing. Just a little bit of studying a few times per year then it was all fun on every other day.


What a weird thing to ask other people to do. I always speak for myself, I don’t need to clarify this every time I speak.

So what? Should I just shut up if I don’t think the majority agrees with me?

Like for example?

Sounds a lot like me. School was easy compared to my life now.

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No you can post what you believe should be added into said game, issues and adding things are two completely different things.

I think that the lack of those things is an issue.

Easiest fix is add a game currency that is usable for gear, mounts, transmogs, etc.

However, make it a random drop that can come from any level of content with the amounts not being known other than (doing this will reward a Blizzbucks).
PvP, Pve, world quests, etc.

Get rewarded for playing the game with a clear path to getting whatever you want or need.

Blizzard must work towards becoming an independent company again. My number one priority would be to achieve autonomy. They are like a Nintendo owned by EA. The relationship between Activision must be severed.

Despite what people think J. Allen Brack was right when he said “You think you do, but you don’t”. Yes, he was wrong about classic, but he was right because in general, players know when they are happy, but don’t necessarily think of every system that got them there. For example, if you could A/B test the removal of LFR/LFG and just sat back and watched would A or B be happier over a 2 year span? How many people would be added to per player on average in A vs B? How does player retention correlate to count?

The focus should be on bringing players back that will play the game for more than 4 hours a day on average. You cannot design a good MMO around dads that don’t have time to play. You just can’t. There are people out there that play this game for 16 hours a day. They have to have stuff to do too. The focus needs to be on bringing players back and replacing not the casuals, but the ULTRA casuals (1-2 hours a day). Most people doing LFR have time to raid they just don’t want to. They do LFR instead of raiding because it’s the path of least resistance. And normal mode only gives marginally better gear, but has a SUPER high barrier to entry (social acceptance). Removing LFR removes that marginal power increase and makes it way more worthwhile to bare through the fear of rejection in order to get that big increase in power. As a result, friendships will form that could keep those players playing for decades.

WoW has become more and more of a single player experience. That has got to go. Wow is a social game. Friendships = Subs because friends encourage friends to come back and keep playing. When everything can be done solo it’s very easy to quit.

When someone says they want something, often they don’t understand what they are giving up to get it. Take flight, for example. What are you giving up so you can have flight? I challenge you to critically think about it while you play for the next couple weeks and try to understand what you’re giving up. It isn’t so obvious which is why people are so quick to jump and defend flight.

The store doesn’t need to be removed, but the things added to it need to be carefully thought out. Some things that would be acceptable store purchases.

  • More void storage tabs
  • More character slots
  • A name reservation service that you pay monthly for which would allow you to reserve something like “Asmongold” on all realms where it’s available.

Just hire me. I can’t list everything here. I’ll help fix the game.

How is it a issue?

Well, do what Mike and others do…leave the sinking ship to make a game for gamers by gamers who actually play the game and communicate with your playerbase.

Obviously WoW, imo, was never designed to be this big, this old, and this profitable and as consequence making decisions to further profits.

No we wouldn’t?

These 3 issues effect such a small number of players that haven’t bothered doing anything about it because they frankly are just non issues

Its not nepotism they use to determine who gets hired in California.

Id start by firing the lawyer … Hes been a failure for sure.

The current cosmetic rewards systems are too limited with just transmogs, mounts and pets. Player housing is an easy fix to this problem, and would also agitate the economy with new professions like carpintry.

Old world being destroyed by power creep is a massive issue since it makes every content besides the current one completely unplayable at their original dificulties. This limits the available gameplay space to a very small region.

We are being plagued with bots and multiboxing is still a thing. Those are issues

We are also on a very hysterical political environment and we should avoid annoying the players unnecessarily. This is an issue.

Those are all issues. What are you talking about?

As someone that worked in the gaming industry in California, it absolutely is.

Agreed. And it’s not an exhaustive list. There are things you can sell that would appeal to more players.

Monetization efforts could also be moved outside of the game. The franchise itself has value. They could try reintroducing a new TCG, Figures, etc. Kind of like how pokemon doesn’t just monetize their mainline game. And use that to subsidize the cost of development. Sometimes the best course of action is to make a better game at the cost of immediate cash to build the franchise’s value up and make more money elsewhere.

The point he is trying to make is that you cannot “Fix“ the game because everyone wants different things. He doesn’t seem to realize that this is not a democracy, and blizzard should be picking winners and losers. If you are an LFR player, then your opinion on raiding as a whole should not matter. What you do is not raiding it’s a scenario with other people.

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I agree with almost none of the OP’s constraints.

Nike it from orbit and start over with a completely different team.

I asked you what issues you had, for one for two they clearly dont care about transmog thats why they just put them in the shop, The old world statement and botting are issues that I would also like to see get addressed but I doubt we will see bots get taken care of they have been in the game since release.

and I answered

So putting something in the shop = not caring about something…

Very odd reasoning
