You Are Blizzard, How Do You Fix The Game With

obviously it would need to be done at high level where they choose to remove themselves from the development process for the good of the game they have no understanding of.

Step 1 - Nerf Demon Hunters to the ground.

Step 2 - Profit :smiley:

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They already did that.

You tell them
“WOTLK was the best sub generator of all time”
and then you get rid of all the unnecessary systems and just let people play an open-ended and customizable game.

If the product is good, quality is the only gimmic you need.

Pointless, adds no value. Why nerf demon hunters when theres frost dks? Or bm hunters? Or Destro warlocks? Fury Warriors? Arms warriors? etc etc

Nah. Not nearly enough lol

To you, maybe.

To me, it would add intense satisfaction, which is highly valuable :smiley:

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Cool the game has millions of players, you are 1. you play warlock which is also brain dead. Makes me happy only ok spec is affi

First: Player housing like FF14, and a profession update to reflect that.
Second: Stop destroying the old world with power creep. Downscale the players that enter old dungeons, zones and raids and restore or even increase the original drop rates.
Third: Increase anti bot resources.
Forth: Make multiboxing as a whole against TOS
Fifth: Avoid unnecessary political entanglements.


Are you two? lol

If not, then your opinion isn’t any more valid than mine.


Uhm id say most of that isn’t even a main issue in the current game.

All of demon hunters > you. No brain confirmed.

They are the main issues I have with the game.

I would stop catering to bad players.

I would create new talent trees that had more than 7 talents and would allow for more custom builds.

Remove demon hunters and give the abilities they took from other classes and give it back to said classes.

I would give rogues a raid cd

I would remove shroud from the game.

You’re assuming I’m the only person in the world that thinks Demon Hunters were the worst thing ever added to the game.

I’m not.

you, not the rest of the community.

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you and like 5 other 12 year olds, I’m sorry.

There’s a few core things;

Add more incentive to non-rated PvP; expand upon prestige and warmode.
More wPvP quests, more rewards - even if they have to be reskins - and a ton of long term rewards that are more reasonable. Exclusive quest chains for warmode depending on your faction.
There’s way too much focus on e-sport, when this is an RPG and can’t be balanced. This is content for everybody of every skill level, which the progression curve in rated PvP died long ago.

Cross-Faction play would be priority for the next expansion. No more of this crap where 80% of my friends list is the other faction. The faction system can still exist with us still being able to do most content together, and that includes PVP and wPvP.

Expand the cash shop with stuff that actually makes sense to be on the cash soup; animation packs, voice packs, mounts that actually don’t have a place you can connect it to in game. Use this to fund more features outside the core of raid/M+/arenas.

Player housing.
Which ties into the cash shop. It’d fund itself and other features going forwards. Biggest cash cow they refuse to milk.

Expand Timewalking;
The raids/dungeons drop recolours of the items within instead of the exact same thing. Majority of old content becomes relevant again during it’s event week. New raids/dungeons added each time the event rolls around.
This one sort of falls into “touching older content” but would pretty much allow new players to see the content as intended, and gives older players a reason to do it.


Why would I need to speak in the name of anyone but myself?

Should go a little something like this, The main issues I have with the game are. Listed. I would like to see this, These are not issues for the majority just you. theres a lot more problems in this choregame than Player houses.

  1. I would make store items much cheaper if you unlock an achievement first, lowering the price by around 95% for those who have done the respective content and also make it more shiny, players who buy it would get the full price budget model

  2. I would get rid of the 4 difficulties by crushing the least difficult and adding making normal raids the new LFR and heroics the new entry level to add to LFG, mythic 0 would now be on the LFG

  3. I would do exactly the opposite of what you said and bring back a PvP stat because I could do that

  4. I’d make the open world more lethal and punishing so RP players could enjoy the RP of having a threatening world

  5. current pace is fine for me but I’d remove any time gating

  6. I’d still remove most time gating

  7. I’d make it more MMO and make elite zones with campaign quests located in them

  8. I’d further min maxings effect by making new stats and new item bonuses because everyone enjoys item variety

  9. game is already casual friendly enough, it’s a okay

  10. I’d hire forums to find lists like this on forums and remove the posts

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