You Are Blizzard, How Do You Fix The Game With

They don’t care about it lol unless its making them money. Lets just say this set in the shop right now instead of putting it on the shop they made it a questline you had to do for darkmoon faire, It would have added a entire new questline to do and future questlines just like that one to do in the game, which at the end of the day is more content instead they sell it for 20 dollars.

Release Ogres. Done. Don’t give a crap about anyone else’s feelings.

You have been playing since SL right? Frost DK and BM hunters are actual jokes and very mid-tier. And warriors are prob the worst overall class in the game right now. I can’t tell if you’re joking or what.


I don’t think you understand their business model. They only make money if the game is good. Fixing issues inside the game makes the game better and therefore more money.

This was the canceled blizzcon set, just like the last year’s one.

That item would never even be made if it was not for Blizzcon. It is extremely out of place. The questline would only be memorable because of the very odd and out of place reward at the end. And making an item is far easier than constructing an entire echosystem for it to exist in. it is a very naive thing to say that adding the item to the store prevents a good questline and future questlines from existing.

No, it would be content made instead of other content. Unless you are saying stuff like “if they did more content there would be more content” which is completely bonkers.

I’d delete everyone’s account but mine and /lol and /dance alone in org.

It’s no secret that subs have been down drastically since they took this mindset of catering to casual players. We do not need LFD or LFR. The problem is when you try to cater to everyone, you cater to no one and nobody ends up happy.

Who actually is happy this expansion so far? What community? PvP community? Nope. M+ community? Definitely not. Casuals? God no. Raiders? I mean, maybe. But also probably not even though they’ve had most of the expansion made around them.

On the topic of Orgrimmar…could you add a bit less desert rock? Or even add some browns and yellows? The harsh reds and burgundys really irritate my anti-red antagonism…and I like red. Sometimes.

Lessen, of not remove, the story time gates.
Figure out what some good rewards are for time sunk into endgame side content and implement them.
Either increase drops from endgame gearing content or add back in QoL like master loot, valor points, or reforging.
Make covenant choice and gameplay separate.

Most of this stuff is just common sense tbh.

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Absolutely no to all of that.

  1. Get rid of rogues
  2. Make CC more of a damage / healing reduction than a total loss of control of your character
  3. Add gear drops to Torghast
  4. Change AH to a sell order / buy order system like GW2
  5. Add PvE tokens to M+ and raids, but require a high number of tokens for decent gear / add an upgrade system like PvP currently has.
  6. Get rid of ilvl restrictions on loot trading, but also get rid of loot feed from chat / armory / guild log / etc.
  7. Remove gating from flying, but put in a very long quest / achievement chain to get it. Something that can’t be accomplished within the first couple of months, but something you can work on from day 1.
  8. Add tracking of M+ runs that you bail on / kicked from. Supply that info to the API that RIO uses. Implement a “vote to abandon” feature to avoid getting that bail / kicked count against groups who all (or 4/5) agree to stop an M+ run.

depends on what content you are talking about, but either way my point stands, Why whine and complain to nerf classes when other classes can just be buffed.

you can still get your aotc

Rogues are fine, no one cares about gw2, gear drops to torghast maybe.

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think it’s important.

Blizzard should make a UI mod store with premium mods and monetize that. Why? Because 1. we would get way better mods for the game and 2. developers like the guy who makes DBM can’t even afford to keep making the mod hardly because he makes no money off it and yet think about how much value he gives the entire playerbase. Even if it was $0.25 a month it would allow him to work on it indefinitely because of the sheer number of people who use it.

The addon scene would absolutely explode if they hosted a premium addon store. I know I would look into making addons full time and possibly quit my job to do it.

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You are right and wrong

That is an unpopular opinion and it’s not important

We wouldn’t get better mods, we’d get the same mods behind a pay wall

they should just put it in the game. why pay 15 than 50 for each expan, plus a whatever premium mods are lol

Because fixing the game for YOURSELF doesn’t fix the game for EVERYONE.

Your ideas are the reason Blizzard shouldn’t listen to the player base on most issues.

That’s just not true. I stopped addon development because there’s no money in it. Developers’ time is worth a lot. Addons are donations from the developers to you. I know of a lot of bada** addons that would completely enrich the experience for the entire playerbase and I don’t care to make them because it’s not worth the time. There are tons of developers out there that pass on making addons because there’s no way to monetize them.

And I’m talking Details/DBM level enrichment

Uhhh depends, on actual issues maybe on things I wish where in the game no. Issues need to be fixed and addressed, Balance changes need to happen more and more communication with the community but blizz will never do that so

theres tons of games who have addons, if anything with how much money we give blizzard already they should just pay mod creators, you dont add premium things to a already premium sub.