You are a final Boss Raid

I am truly impressed by the commitment required to type all that out.

Opening quote: “You want loot and I don’t want to die. See that box over there? If you let me be you can have the contents of said box.”

Closing quote: after party loots chest “You’re still here? It’s over.”


all of the death knight/teron gorefiends wc2 quotes.

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Opening Quote, spoken in a heavy Cockney accent:
Oi, well look who it is. Some uppity adventurer who come bargin’ in 'ere ain’t gots no idea what’s its got itself into. Boys, teach 'em some manners.

Death Quote:
We was only fool’n!


Opening quote: “Oh, ****!”

Ending quote: “I am dead. D. E. D. Dead!”

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Opening quote: “Here, take it”
Ending quote: “I just said you can take it!”
Loot: 3 day old pizza slice.

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Opening Quote…

A very convoluted and highly detailed explanation of how the raid is going to fail to beat me all while my cloak is on fire and my HP slowly ticks down to 1 hp over 10m of RP.

Ending Quote: “That didn’t go according to planned.”

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“Not the face!” for both.

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id copy aggramars dialogue cause its just that good

hahahaha I love this so much!

Opening quote : “Go get a life losers”

Ending quote : " YOU TAKE NO CANDLE "

Loot: burnt out candle


Takes a long drag from a cigarette, exhaling slowly and methodically

“What took you so long?”


Opening quote: “Intruders? Ah, well. As a wise man once said, any personnel problem can be solved by the proper application of high explosives.” (Cue the Phase One Rain of Satchel Charges)

Last Words: “… well, this stinks.”

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Opening: “I don’t know why I’m here or why you’re here. Just know this: I am meta-gaming and don’t have an aggro table.”

I then kill all the healers and then the rest of the raid.

Ending: “Well, that was anticlimactic, wasn’t it? I don’t have loot, as all my gear is soulbound, but here’s a hastily put together in game cinematic and a bit of gold for your efforts anyhow, even though you all died.”

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Opening: "Heh, do you remember nothing of honor? Of glory on the battlefield? You who would parlay with the alliance, and allowed vulpera to practice their dark magics, right under our feet. You are weak.

Ending: “Death didn’t stop me the first time, it won’t stop me this time either…”

Reward - Tear Stained Picture of Garrosh Hellscream with flavor text At least you hope this is tears

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I’d have a 20 second dialogue before becoming targetable.

During the dialogue, I’d just log out.

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hahahahahahaha love it!

You want to decline me from your group? How about I decline you from life!

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Loot: 17 Ashen Liniment

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

  • Opening: bear growl
  • Closing: sad bear growl
  • Loot: A frayed knot.
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