You are a final Boss Raid

What would be your opening quote and your ending quote?

Ariatho’s opening Quote:

“Sylvanas was right about one thing, we are all prisoners, but even she was part of a big plan, we stumble upon the plan of one cosmic deity to another, luring us with promises of justice and greatness, they call us champions, heroes, but we are mere pawns, we need to break our ties with the cosmic ones to achieve true freedom, they may have created us to be servants, but we don’t have to resign ourselves to being just that”

Ending quote:

“You decide to stay with the cosmic ones, very well, but remember, that was your choice, I will continue my research elsewhere, true freedom is a lonely path, a path that I am willing to take, I hope you do not regret your choice this day”

Loot: 1000 apexis crystals.

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Opening quote: Hark! Witness the power of my giant beach ball on a stick!

Ending quote: For every Gnome you kill, 2 more will take their place…muahahahahahahahha…

Loot: Some belly button lint.


Opening Quote:

'You? Wait, what are you doing!? Y-You don’t understand, I – er, we – AURGH you will find out soon enough …"

Ending Quote:

“We are friends … You just don’t know it yet … When your future self meets my past self, you will see … When that happens … You know what you must do to revive me {coughs} Until then, farewell friend.”


  • Painted Picture – Description reads: “The painting appears to be Aussielight and yourself cheerfully happy together clanking drinks. Your signature is on the photo, yet you do not recall ever signing this – nor such a moment that’s depicted in the artwork.”This Item begins a quest.
  • Mount: Glowing Saurid Sled - Mount description: “On the side of this Saurid powered sled, you see etched into the frame ‘Property of Jani’ and what appears to be a signature of Bwonsamdi”

Opening quote: “Guess I’ll die now.”

Ending quote: long, overly dramatic death scream

Loot: Nothing. I truly get the last laugh.


I don’t know about all that, I just want this guy’s boss theme. Sounds like Soken has been playing Yakuza :rofl:. Such a banger:

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I’m…not entirely sure what just happened, but I’m laughing like a maniac right now.


Dreadmoons Opening Quote:


Ending Quote:


Casts raid wipe spell and watches everyone die.

Laughs hysterically but then a Gnome Paladin materialises out of nowhere and stabs Dreadmoon with the Gnomebringer blade killing her and proceeds to rez the entire raid.

I’ll be like the Lich King as no Queen rules forever! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The entire fight is just gonna be me roasting the “champion high commander god killer Maw walker” of Azeroth".

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Bravo, lol. I guess we know the forums do not have a post length or character limit now


Opening: Oh no champions, I’ve been struck by the curse of Golden Daa’nusehr, I am now turning inexplicably evil!

Mortal strike effect hits 100% on a tank: [Tank] needs healing, guys, Spam those heals!

Raid member dies to execute: Looks like he’ll never be the head of the class.

Bladestorm: He slices, he dices, He juillienes Gnomes!

Raid wipe: Well that was fun, I’ma go kill Jaina now.

Ending quote: You have punched the corruption out of me. I am good again.


Can’t decide whether you are the Spambeast or testing post length.


Opening quote : "Wubba lubba dub duuuuub! "

Ending quote: “Grassss… tastes… bad” (dies)

and yes, there would be a pickle phase.


Opening quote:
“Whispers from the dark corners of your fears call you forth. Enter, and surrender your souls to the eternal gloom that awaits.”
End Quote:
“Not even death can strip me of power… In shadows, I shall rise again, and your world will tremble.”

Loot Drops:

  1. Archwarlock’s Grasp of the Void - A pair of gloves that enhances dark magic, pulsating with a shadowy essence.
  2. Amulet of the Dark Whispers - A necklace that occasionally whispers secrets of the nether, increasing critical strike chance.
  3. Staff of Demonic Command - A powerful staff that boosts summoning efficiency and increases damage dealt by summoned entities.
  4. Shroud of Eternal Night - A cloak that grants invisibility for a short duration when health falls below 20%.
  5. Tribal Warboots of the Abyss - Boots that increase movement speed in combat and leave a trail of dark mist that slows enemies.

Opening Quote: this again? Its always the same thing with you people. Just make your own gear for gods sakes.

End quote: “as unjustified as a forum ban”


Opening Quote: “Succubus party!”

Ending Quote: “Time to run away!”

Then I use Demonic Circle Teleport to escape.


Moksha (my long time undead afflock)

opening quote:

“I am Moksha, the cause of suffering and its end. Your pathetic attempts to kill me are worthless, just like you are. You will get nothing by killing me. I have died before and I will die again. meaningless events in the scope of the cosmos.”

My main abilities are all of the warlock DoTs and putting all warlock curses on all party members simultaneously. cast slowly. walk slowly, weak melee attacks. I siphon life from every single player. tank swap at three stacks of shadow embrace throughout fight

P1 encounter involves portals that randomly spawn in the room. waves of caster imps run all over the room that have to be interrupted. occasional felguards spawn that make a beeline for the healers. succubus seduce one of the tanks.

P2 involves random rain of fire that covers a quarter of the room and is persists during the phase. if overlapped, its damage stack 2 times and makes the next rain of fire 2 times worse than that one. this phase ends at 65% of my health.

P3 involves all of the P1 demons respawning while three random players are marked with curse of doom and have to go into a portal to conduct a ritual to dispel it. there will be soul symbols in the portal room. each player has to find their soul symbol and bring it to a ritual stone. they have 20 seconds to complete this or they die and spawn a doomguard (one per portal, not per player) that goes back into the room to attack the party. this phase ends at 35% of my health.

P4 is a burn phase. the party has 1 minute to kill me. all P1 imps and doomguards respawn at the beginning of this phase and all of the curses are applied to all party members. i cast fears too.

after they kill me in the encounter, i use my soulstone to resurrect myself. I cast Ritual of Doom and the whole party dies.

ending quote:

“pathetic. just like in real life”



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Is also the loot, we’re looting Lux for a party of Succubi XD.

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The smell of hot chocolate, bratwurst and mustard fills your nostrils

Mid fight
Add spawn -
You want more? Here, have a taste
What? still hungry?

Player Death-
Yummy Yummy Yummy, I’ve got YOU in my tummy
Just, a bite
That one tasted funny

Boss Death -
I should have went… to college

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Opening quote: Wish I could post it, but I’d get a forum vacation.

Ending Quote: “No relation”

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Fight initiated: It’s WARTHIN TIME!

Kill a player; You’ve been warthinated!

Defeat; Enough, you shall never out-warthin me! *ports away.

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