Has this been happening to anyone else? Seems like if you either don’t loot the bloom boxes before they despawn, or have them just not appear for you at all despite contributing to a seed growth, the game keeps acting like you still have a bloom to loot. This prevents you from planting new seeds in the same soil that this bug occurs at, and also prevents you from contributing towards others’ seeds and thus getting those blooms.
I was hoping morning maint today would be addressing it, but I logged in and two seed spots are still bugged for me from last night. One, I didn’t realize would give the box (it was my first seed of the day), but the other never dropped a bloom at all for me or some others around it.
I have the same problem at the lava lilly one up north. I clicked a tree someone else had started, contributed some dewdrops, then ran around and picked some weeds, went back to contribute more dewdrops, and this time it was giving me the message about already having a chest nearby. The tree hadn’t even finished its growth cycle yet. Now I can’t do anything at that growth patch.