You’ve just been named lead game designer

Declare wow dead, announce wow 2.

Make the Forever Lovely Rose available all year round

Day one, hire a team to fix the wonky scaling issues that have been plaguing the game for years.

Day two, cookies for all!

Day three, Goblin Monks, Gnome Paladins and Mechagnome Druids.

Day four, take a nap.


wait, go back over the part about cookies again

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World of Warcraft II: VR

Kingdom of Azjol’Nerub is spreading across (and underneath) Azeroth. Spiders are going to eat your babies.

Nothing hugely different here. But it supports VR and motion control and is the preferred way to experience it . But not required of course.

Reforging stats returns. Sockets on all epic raid and pvp gear. Multiple meta gems on weapons.

Prof. Specializations.
BS Master swordsmith, Hammersmith.
Alchemy potionmaster, flask mixologist.
JC Gemsmith or master jeweler etc.

I think profs should be a long term goal with big advantages. Becoming a “master jeweler” or whatever else, should be a big deal.

Flying on day 1

Ending the “seasons” patch cycle. All content will be relevant for the whole expansions life.

Huge mage nerfs.

Is this another post about how non raiders deserve raider gear? The answer is no already. You guys are just getting sneaky now.

Yes, it is. Not sneaky at all.
I even explained that if I were to be the lead dev, I’d make higher difficulty give more prestigious gear (unique appearances/mounts/enchant effects), not more powerful gear (higher ilvl on a vacuum).

I also explained that acquisition rate for player power would favor higher difficulties as well (No more mythic difficulty anything. Heroic raiders would get to the ilvl cap faster than Heroic+15-20 dungeons, which would be slightly faster than normal Raiding. No more 4 raid difficulties BS. We’d be back to LFR -> normal -> heroic)

Player power at the last quarter of a patch must be normalized.

You’re entitled to your own opinion though.

Immediately pass the reigns back to them. Because based on what Bellular’s interview indicated, the things that are coming in the story are far more rosy than the Twilight’s Hammer Cultist named “Forums” lead one to believe, the end is not in fact coming. Also would prescribe some Prozac to Forums.


Why does it “require” meaning the game cant function without it, player normalization at the end of every tier?

I fire myself for being a smug elitist serial liar.

Oh the game can “function” without it, but the player base will just be gone if there’s no progress nor power parity at the later levels.

It’d also curb the complaints about PvP imbalances (PvP cannot function properly if ilvl disparities larger than 1-8 exist) and PvE soloing for old raids.

Of course, this is just one possible solution. There are others, like making gear a lot less impactful on player power.

So what is the incentive to push past a wall point in a tier if everyone just gets normalized gear 3/4 of the way through the tier.

  • The return of the old talent system (probably my first thing)
  • The return of pvp sets or resilience or wod style
  • Returning certain specs to mop design
  • Less chores
  • No artifact power grind or renown garbage grind
  • Actual alt friendly systems with skips

The top stuff I can think of atm.

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Cosmetics. Your gear will not only be powerful early, but unique.
The art team would focus on making the top sets the most amazing every tier.
“Hitting harder” by itself wouldn’t be the reason to push, but getting unique appearances, which, b the way, are the only permanent acquisitions in the game.

Player power already gets reset every patch (4/4 into the tier), leaving it at ~75% done gives a great leeway for stragglers and makes casual play much more viable.

So you think “Art” is a motivating factor for people. That’s interesting.

what would i do in an attempt to breath-life into the game? well, you asked for it! i’d…

  • overhaul the gameplay (make the gameplay more action oriented)
  • overhaul the classes (make each feel like a totally different game)
  • overhaul the combat (make mobs more than just a hitbox/healthbar)
  • overhaul mounts (certain mounts being better in certain enviroments than others)
  • add flying immediately, and treat it as a limitation for high-end zones (like stormpeaks)
  • add controller support (this one speaks for itself)
  • make professions require materials from older expansions (making older materials relevant)
  • add drama to the factions (example: malfurion dying, or tyrande being pregnant while still the night-warrior)
  • add new threats (like the titans invading azeroth in an attempt to enforce order. think ulduar, but all over the map. maybe bring-out the infinite dragonflight…)
  • bring back sylvanas as the horde’s secret-service (this one’s more a just-for-me, but i think it’s the best way for her to be our ‘savior’.)
  • add more playable races(arakkoa, ogres, broken, mantid, hozen, jinyu, taunka, tuskarr, mogu, steamwheedle-goblins, vrykul, etc)
  • add more classes (tinker, necromancer, dragonsworn, bard, warden, geomancer, and timewalker)
  • add more race class combos (specifically, orc/draenei/pandaren demonhunters [yes, pandas are silly, just make secret wc3 panda was legit], goblin/worgen monks [no access to kezan/gilneas for that combo], nelf paladins, pandaren/dwarf/vulpera druids druids, and zandalari/kul’tiran warlocks)

tl:dr, i’d go over budget and get fired by bobby kotick himself in an attempt to make the game feel more like a game, with a lot more options and gameplay, and less like a job.

I think people need to look at it from this perspective.

If Person A goes to school over their life and graduates with a PhD and starts making salary “XX” when they get out of school.

Do you think that Person B who only graduates with a Bachelors should ever in their life come close to even the starting point of salary “XX” for person A?

Mythic raiding is a sub game within WoW. Its akin to PvP at the highest brackets. Just like not everyone PVP’s, not everyone mythic raids. It is absolutely absurd to request that everyone normalizes gear within a tier that’s current.

Blizzard has made their stance known, yet again, with the changes to M+. there’s a reason M+ gear doesn’t scale to 226 with valor, just like there’s a reason the 2nd piece of gear you get from a failed key is lower Ilvl than the original piece. Casual play is not going to be rewarded the same as non casual play. These posts are getting cringey.

My post is more of a collection of already posted ideas since I had similar ideas anyway.

-Basic story:

After all the events that happened so far both Alliance and the Horde is completely spent. They need to focus on their needs, but other 3-rd party factions are using this opportunity to wrestle power for themselves.

The war for resources begins.

  1. Continuation of South Seas expansion. Pirates are on the rise, they search for Artifact that was crafted by Neptulon to control the seas, and topple decimated already Kul’Tiran andZandalari Navy.

  2. Plenty of bandit factions are appearing on the rise throrough the whole Azeroth.

  3. Gallywix is creating a new underworld faction that is hiring new mercenaries and causing havoc around the world

  4. Horde and Alliance needs to reclaim influence and power - Help Night elves and undead create their new hub - a content spread through the patches, collect all the resources via dailies to build a capital.

  5. Reclamation! Help Gilneans wrestle back Gilneas for good (content spread through the patches too) take each portion of the city back, portion by portion. // On Horde, Help Zandalari take back Zul’Drak. Fight back the remaining Scourge, help remaining Drakkari survivors take control over their own city and help trolls reestablish their foothold on the world.

  6. Caverns of Time/ Chroniclers and archivists on the run.
    Each faction has a lorekeepers, and they need assistance to collect data.
    New dugngeons are taking us back to big events of the past.
    (Possible Zandalari themed School with Chroniclers where we go to witness battle against Aquir) // For Nelves ( Battle of shifting Sands)

  7. Alliance inner conflict - each subfaction has different needs and objectives. Dwarves rise to power while Genn confronts Turalyon. Night elves are separating themselves to focus on their own needs. Lightforged fight against void elves.

At Horde is desperately trying to get back on their feet. New heroes reemerge, Join Gorgonna and Jorin Deadeye as they try to reestablish orcish pride and fight for preservence of their own people. As new dangers emerge - the Botani that escaped from Draenor together with saberon are already making changes in Durotar and Barrens.

The Darkspears and the Zandalari launch their own campaign to set strong footholds around the world, after the recent fiasco they’re determined to build themselves alternative if Horde would fail once more.
The Tauren are very upset over it’s leadership, Mayla tries to maintain the order, Jevan Grimtotem comes to aid and suggest for Tauren to form a council and goes to invite Taunka to discuss the future for all of them. Baine is forced to priotize their own people over his Alliance friends if he doesn’t want for his blue friends to be all he has left. As the Dwarves are on the move back again both in Barrens and Northrend.

Goblins try to set a good trade network but they’re the ones who were constantly targeted by bandits and pirates, their influence is dropping.

Additional features:
– more customization for playable races

  • racial glyphs that are changing visuals for class/race combos.
    ( nelf priests have silver glow instead of gold, Zandalari Paladins are not summoning wierd angel thing but Zandalari Spectre that is dual wielding massive swords, Tauren auras are more Native American themed visually, same with Trolls the wings are Aztec themed)

  • player housing - create your own base where you can add various object collected through your journey. From professions, toys, Archeology and decorate it.
    Farm reagents for your own profession after you upgrade your base by collecting various resources.

  • racially-themed assets.

  • 2 new battlegrounds

  • more minigames

(This expansion should be much longer than any other, as the content and theme should continuously expand with time and content patches).

  1. Fix Morale among the Dev team. Remove obstacles to people doing their jobs and feeling pride in their work.
  2. Focus on a simpler less systems oriented game overall, if a dev wants to introduce a new system they have to test the waters with players first. Let them rip it apart as a paper prototype before they do an MVP.
  3. Try to find ways to make all content relevant. Did the mankirk’s wife quest in Classic/Cata? Then there would be a quest in Shadowlands to follow up.
  4. “Let the kids go wild”, e.g. don’t shut down ideas because they didn’t start at the top. Let everybody come up with ideas, stories, and features. They may not make it into the final release but they will be considered seriously.
  5. Start turning around patches faster, the sooner I can get something in player hands to absolutely destroy the sooner we can make it awesome.
  6. Try to avoid reinventing the wheel as much as possible. Conventions exist for a reason, that doesn’t mean they can’t be tweaked… but we also don’t need square wheels to feel ‘cool’.
  7. Try to avoid off screen content. It happens in game or it doesn’t happen. Give the players emotional attachment to characters, a reason to fight. If a character dies we care about… we hold a funeral. (Did I miss Varian’s funeral? What about Cairn’s?)
  8. Set up a list of oft requested player wanted features (housing etc.) let the community vote on which one they want the most. Work on it outside of the expansion cycle, it gets released when it’s done.
  9. Cut back on excessive mechanics. Higher difficulty means less room and harder execution, not being 100% perfect every single time. The show must go on. (This has very real meaning of you continue even when there are setbacks).

I would make an xpac where we go to where the people who died in shadowlands go to.

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