You’ve just been named lead game designer

Well it’s 2021 and SL is a failure. By 2022 subs will be at an all time low.

But I love the premise of your question. I have thoughts…

1 – Accept the fact that you are going to anger a lot of your playerbase but that you will deliver a better product and that 80% of those you lose will return and you will more than make up the difference with a better product.

2 – Blizzard as game developers have been conflating systems with content. They are focussed on expansion or patch specific player power systems that are aimed at forcing players to progress a certain way and time gate power gain. They have lost sight of what an MMORPG is – a big sandbox that we can play in the world with our friends.

Create content not systems. Focus on more quests, world content, dungeons, raids.

The player base does not want to grind out their toolkit through a convoluted essences or soulbind system to get to full power. They want their full character ability set to play with and then to get more powerful by progressing through content and getting gear. With that in mind, bring back Tier Sets that modify gameplay and provide player power that is then replaced purely by ilevel.

Every patch brings a zone (or an opened up / modified zone), a new dungeon, and a new raid.

Don’t try to be ‘cute’ with content. There has only been one success in new game modes in the last few expansions and that was the Mage Tower. Literally everything else has been a flop (Garrisons, Mission Tables, Azerite, Islands, Warfronts, Covenants, Torghast, the Maw), stop trying to be clever, just polish the simple until it shines.

3 – Stop trying to separate the player base. Horde / Alliance is meaningless after joining forces to stop so many raid bosses especially in MoP / WoD / Legion and then leaving Azeroth to adventure in the Shadowlands.

The Covenants in Shadowlands meant 3/4 of the playerbase never saw the quests and content you made. That is bad design.

You already allow merc-mode in PvP. Just remove the split. One story. One big bad threat. One faction (Thrall has the gravitas to pull that off). You can still be The Horde or the Alliance, but you are also (for example) The Grand Army of the Light in Legion, and the Legion of Maw Walkers in Shadowlands.

4 – Strip back from 13 playable races (and 10 allied races) to 9 races. Human - Dwarf - Draenei - Worgen - Orc - Tauren - Troll - Undead - Elf (with Elves to identify as either Alliance or Horde - not that it matters). Make all the allied races sub-race cosmetic differences obtained through character customisation (i.e. you can look like a Nightborne or a Night Elf or a Void Elf or a Blood Elf).

5 – Strip back from 36 specs to 24. Two specs per class (except Druid) and no class can do both the tanking and healing role (expect Druid). This involves a lot of deletion - including of Demon Hunters - but we need to swallow that whinging from the player base.

Warrior – Prot and Arms – Raid Buffs are Attack Power (Battle Shout) and Raid HP CD (Commanding Shout)

Priest – Holy and Shadow – Raid Buffs are Spell Power (Mystic Power) and Raid DR CD (PW Barrier)

Paladin – Holy and Retribution – Brings an Immunity (Divine Protection) and a HP Buff (Blessing of Fortitude) and Raid DR (Devotion Aura)

Mage – Frost and Fire – Brings an Immunity (Ice Block) Physical Damage Amplification (Armor Vulnerability) and Greater Invisibility (Party Wide Shroud)

Rogue – Assassination and Combat – Brings an Immunity (Cloak of Shadows) and Magic Damage Amplification (a Poison effect) and Shroud of Concealment

Hunter – MM and BM – Brings an Immunity (Aspect of the Turtle) and one of Raid Speed CD (Talent Modified Aspect of the Cheetah) or Raid DR CD (Talent Roar of Sacrifice)

Warlock – Affliction and Demonology – Battle Resurrection and Cookies and Gateway

Shaman – Resto and Enhance – Brings an Immunity (Elemental Shield) and Raid DR CD (Earthen Wall) and the ability to Ankh without taking up a Battle Resurrection.

Death Knight – Blood and Unholy – Brings a Battle Resurrection and a Raid DR CD (Dampening Zone)

Monk – Brewmaster and Windwalker – Brings an Immunity (Astral Dream) and a Raid Speed CD (Ancestral Winds)

Druid – Guardian and Resto and Feral and Balance – Battle Resurrection and a Raid Speed CD (Stampeding Roar)

In addition:
I would also remove Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp/Ancient Hysteria and make it a raid consumable only (Drums) to be added to Feasts and Cauldrons as optional buffs in organised content.

Engineering battle rez item is also gone.

Weapons are just one item (like Legion Artifacts). No farming for extra slots for dual wielders or sword and board.

6 – Strip professions back to three and you can have any two. Gathering Crafting Enchanting. All players get fishing and cooking.

7 – Completely separate PvP and PvE talent trees and ability tuning. This necessitates the removal of open world PvP but so be it. It’s one faction now, PvP is opt-in through BGs and Arenas, you no longer get to gank people in the open world.

8 – Ditch completely the push for mission tables and a mobile tie-in app. It is a terrible idea and a waste, utterly of developer time and resources. They are not useful and just shoe-horned in.

I think if drastic action isn’t taken, the game will die (or rather Blizzard will kill it) as it groans under the weight of nearly 20 years of design choices that no longer hold up.

BFA PTSD :eyes: :sweat_drops:

What’s your new expansion called? World of Warcraft: Azeroth Unknown

Brief storyline? The heroes who successfully defeated the Jailer along with the former Forsaken leader Sylvanas Windrunner. Finally leave the Shadowlands, with the Arbiter’s help. Upon returning to Azeroth and going back to their respective home lands. Everyone from both Factions are shocked to find things have changed.

  • A New Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, having progressed decades. Multiple zones having finally fixed the damage from the Cataclysm and uncovered new enemies.

New Capitals:

  • New Lordaeon, the re-built stronghold of the third neutral faction of the Forsaken.

  • Nordrassil, after losing Teldrassil Shandris Feathermoon took over as leader while Tyrande was away and made a new home for the Night Elves in the world tree in Mount Hyjal.

  • New Class: Tinkerer

~A mixture of play-styles of Shaman, Monk & Hunter involving mini mechanical turrets. Can be all three roles, Tank, DPS & Healer.

Primary Weapon: Gun or Crossbow (Not Bows)
Armor Type: Mail

New Races & Faction:

  • Forsaken Officially the Third Faction, neutral. After losing their leader and finding one in Calia menethil, guided by Lillian Voss. Forsaken left the Horde and became neutral among both factions. No longer part-taking in their wars or conflicts, the Forsaken were solely for themselves now.
  • New Horde Race: Ogres, with Thrall & Baine gone the horde had to find new strength. And they found that in [INSERT OGRE CLAN NAME HERE]
  • New Alliance Race: Sethrak. (Doesn’t a whole lot of sense, but I can’t think of another race right now for the Alliance. Sorry :sweat_smile: )
  • Player Homes and Guild Halls

  • Overhauled Professions

  • Integrated System, akin to the systems in Legion, BFA and Shadowlands. With WQ’s on all four continents on Azeroth, progression like Renown, but without the drawbacks of borrowed power. Because this system is permanent. (No more borrowed power or adding new system just to ditch it an expansion later)

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I sneak into the server room and break everything.

This world is a prison and I will set us all free.

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delete the game


World of Warcraft: Ruins of Azeroth


Returning from the final battle in the Shadowlands, you return to an Azeroth that has been devastated by the sword of Sargeras combined with the maelstrom. Your goal, is to rebuild safe cities to shelter survivors from all that has invaded Azeroth: Demons, Voidlords, Ethereals, and fragments of a few old gods.

What gets in the way of this, is that we have been gone for several years, and most ‘survivors’ are heavily scarred or have been driven insane.

New mega-zone

Ruined Kingdom. Every single land mass has collided together, forming a single one with remnants from each.

Zone details: It will be about as large as Kalimdor or EK alone due to how densely it has been ‘squished’… (still very large,) and doing this allows the original areas to not require obliteration.

Returning features:

  1. Original talent trees. However, they take on nearly every system previous made in WoW, leaving an enormous talent pool to choose from; perhaps too many, but that’s what progression in an MMORPG should be like. Yes, PvP talents included.

  2. Scenarios. These will get the M+ treatment with near-infinite scaling, and will usually be doable without a tank/healer. The focus will be on mechanics rather than auto-attack mob damage, and the timer will ONLY be for cosmetics.

Leveling changes

  • Leveling a character can be done 100% in the new expansion, and you gain current-expansion resources while doing so.
  • Experience required to level is drastically increased, but since you can gain rep and farm current-content materials, it works out. You still have the choice to do chromie-time, but you will not get the previously mentioned benefits mentioned.
  • World events with level markers on them that pop up every 10-20 minutes or so. Yes, level markers…meaning auto-scaling will not be a blanket thing.
  • Auto-scaling will be done in increments of 3-5 levels. You will outlevel zones, and have zones too high level for you, but if you are within a 3-5 level range of your area things will be scaled to you. The sense of unwinnable danger is an important element that has been forgotten, I believe.

Max-level Goals

I hate the term ‘content,’ but that’s what this is.


  • Normal flex raids will be balanced closer to Naxx10 or ICC10, rather than Nathria’s launch release.
  • Heroic raids will be turned into hard-modes in normal raids with specific interactions. The spike in difficulty will be severe, but optional.
  • Mythic raiding will see a slight nerf overall, but will have a few select hard-modes which are equal to what we have now. Essentially, if you always choose hard-modes, you’ll see very little change (assuming the person in charge of making encounters is awesome.)

Mythic +

  • Timer changed to leaderboard/cosmetics only.
  • Ability to replace members in a run. This is prone to abuse, however, so here’s some other details: player leaves group = new member gets shot at loot. Player is booted from group = they get shot at loot when dungeon ends as well. Yes, that means a griefer who gets booted is still able to grief your run (as they are now;) the goal is to allow replacements.
  • A shift into mega-dungeons. Entering, you will have an option to do the timer, or run normally. Ex: Expansion would release with 4 regular dungeons and 2 mega dungeons.
  • All high-damage enemy attacks shifted to be avoidable, and this ties into the next one…
  • Better visibility. Less dungeons with a cramped camera, unless an encounter is meant to be so. Spell effects as well…players should be able to see things. A fantastic example of this, is Massacre from Denathrius.
  • Dungeon boss difficulty increased.
  • M+ affixes changed to 3 instead of 4. Affixes will change every two days instead of weekly to give more variety and hope, so that there are no whole ‘weeks’ of being sad that you can’t push. Also, ‘easy’ weeks feel like you’re cheating the system a bit. A quicker schedule = more choices on when you push.
  1. First affix will affect trash, and will fluctuate between ones such as straight % increases, to bursting. Bursting will not affect bosses this way.
  2. Second affix will obviously be for bosses. New affixes such as “each boss has a shade attached to them that will randomly cast fear on a party member,” etc…
  3. Season affixes affect the whole run. I haven’t seen all of these, but I think Blizzard is actually pretty good at them currently.


  • …Attempt to balance better. First PvP season will be shorter to facilitate this and allow for a bigger balancing patch. Rewards will still go out, but the real competition will happen after 1~ month in.


  • PvP, M+, Scenario+ and raiding will all grant currency (maybe some weeklies, since that’s something Blizzard has gotten right I believe. Very limited, of course.)
  • PvP keeps honor and conquest.
  • PvE has three token types:
  1. Justice for: normal raids, M+/S+ (scenario plus) 2-6.
  2. Valor for: hard-mode kills in normal, M+/S+ 6-16
  3. Heroism for Mythic raid, M+/S+ 17+ (unsure what cap.)

Item-level from vendors will be the lowest base-level, and can upgrade to the highest. Ex: Justice gear will start at M+2 level, but can be upgraded with more Justice to be M+6 eventually.

Subject to change based on M+ difficulty, as currently M+17 is far easier than mythic Nathria. This seems unnecessary and tedious, but I think it’s been a mistake to not let players see their character’s progression this transparently. This part is boring, though.


  • No reputation is gated; if you want rep, you do things for them.
  • Two new allied races gained from certain rep grinds: Vrykul and Ethereal (the good ones;) both of which are dual-faction.
  • Some reputations will unlock ‘keys’ to fast-travel. Similar to some of SL ports, but far easier to work (I hate Revendreth unlocking with a passion. Ardenweald is way better, but these would be a lot more simple/quick.) Available to anyone.
  • Some reputations locked behind other reputations, because you need connections to make connections. I can see this being a mistake if done incorrectly, so the reward from second-tier reputations would need to be oriented around min-maxing, and beneficial to more than the person obtaining it. Endgame enchants, for example.

World Quests

  • Gold and rep will be granted by default rather than being the main reward (rep is currently, but you’ll get more at base value.)
  • Will contain things such as: toys, cosmetics, gear, mounts (rare, of course,) rare crafting materials (not the worthless common ones,)
  • Will spawn less frequently, but at an increased rate. How? 4 hour spawn cycle, no reset. Across the whole zone. 24 hours to despawn.
  • Hopeful outcome: new WQs are somethin you look forward to. You can go to work/sleep and come back to 2-3 worthwhile things to do, rather than chores.
  • New type of quest: Action Quest. These will be marked on the map as a blue exclamation mark, and will usually entail mini-games like the wheel-barrow racing in Revendreth. Why aren’t these WQs? Their reward is static: 1 token for a toy/cosmetic vendor. (Essentially, turning the achievement for in the racing into an actual currency and giving it more value.)
  • Gear obtained from world quests will be heroic 5man quality, meaning higher value early in the expansion, and lower as we go on. As you get geared, they will appear less and less. Content patches may increase them.


  • More class/race combos, such as Goblin monk, gnome paladin, …more druids in general, unsure which race at the moment. I’m biased here.
  • Group finder revamped:
  1. More groups are visible.
  2. Can filter by specific dungeon (or raid) and key level.
  3. Can filter by average group item level; equipped ilvl of group is visible. Yes, this is a risk, and yes I’d take it.
  4. Experience tracker. Much as we want to deny it, raider IO is too important to completely let go. The changes I’d make to M+ would severely degrade the need for it, but some sort of tracker is still nice to have. All it would show, is if the person has run your dungeon/raid/scenario, and at what level. that’s it. For PvP, naturally it’d show CR.
  • Mission table has been transformed into mini-games which you can… shudder play on your phone. (Partly joking. I just know mobile is important to monetization, and I’m trying to be a little realistic.) I could come up with a lot of mini-games, but my brain is a lil’ fried atm.

Well, I’ve been writing this for nearly 2 hours, so will end it there. I was going to never post on these forums again, but seeing this thread…I figured this would be a better final post. I could go on for a very long time if my brain wasn’t tired and I wasn’t planning to move on from WoW soon. ~_~

There’s a lot I feel I’m missing here, and you’re all free to say I’m wrong. We all play this game for different reasons, and my reasons are/were often much different than others.

So yeah, this is my final post here. Goodbye WoW forums. (I want to spell-check this but HNNNG no thanks.)


Focus on class design and balance, and then to developing content around them once they’re finished.

Not the other way around…

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honestly the only change i would make to shadowlands is let us spend valor on upgrading raid gear like we have in the past. also let us buy a couple nice BoE’s if we have extra uncapped valor or Justice points. I used to buy nice gear for my friends for when they hit max level cause it was BoE and I had unused valor or JP. and if you don’t have friends to gear out or alts you can sell your gear. I think in cata it was just wrists and maybe a cloak you could buy with valor but it was high ilvl.

bring back Justice points upgrade paths to heirlooms and roll back the gold sink.

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Yea Right?! As if LFR, is the core problem in wow…lol!

What I like about ESO feature was the “Any race, Any alliance” token…
So, if this implies to wow. We are able to make blood elfs in alliance faction and Night elf on horde faction.

Probably poopy post on the forums and say the new lead dev is literally the worst. Get ahead of the curve.

Many good ideas in this thread (with some bad ones of course) and I would like to see Blizzard take note. Notice that nearly everyone posting is interested in content, not systems. The game needs to return to to focusing on being a game rather than a system of collecting cash as long as possible from players.

I spend the entire expansion progressively nerfing DH.

World of Warcraft: New Dream.

Azeroth the titan has awakened, and Azeroth the planet has been smithereened in the process.

Turns out the titans planed for this, and the Emerald Dream was actually a back up. Azeroth pulls the Dream into reality in the wake of her awakening, and places all animal life on the new world.

Now all the previous races of Azeroth are on a clean slate. No borders, no cities, no strongholds. Everyone is moving as fast as they can to claim a home for their people.

All cities in the expansion have to be built from scratch. The leveling questline would be to establish military bases, and then endgame grinding would be to develop those places into functioning cities.

MoP rep commendations are back. Because they never should have left.

The city development would be similar to Garrisons, but there would be no phasing because you don’t get to plan what goes where, just what gets built first.

Who gives a flying footnote about the “glory days?”

I just want a good game. It does not matter in the slightest how much that game resembles whatever past expansion you’ve put on a pedestal.

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Well, since I’m just the lead designer… not God… I don’t decide all of this myself. Because that’s not what being ‘lead designer’ means :wink:

So I guess I would hold a meeting and see what ideas the team has and try to steer the game from there.

I reboot classic again and pray it works like it did the first and second time.

Always thinking about stuff like this, go with my most recent idea.
Warcraft infinite twilight

The infinite dragonflight is creating and corrupting multiple timelines, increasing their powers and building a infinite army.

Intro scenario capital city (stormwind for ally orgrimmar for horde) attacked by the infinant dragonflight, and a army from a corrupted timeline, stormwind attacked by feral worgen led by a feral genn greymane, orgrimmar gel orcs led by a fel thrall. The first part of the scenario is getting our butts handed to us by this infinite army before being rescued by a warchief garrosh in orgrimmar (one of the good ones that our timeline didn’t have) and a grizzled and grumpy king anduin in stormwind. Scnario ends with the warchief or king help save the capital then lead the player to the caverns of time.

All dungeons, raids, secnarios would be via caverns of times. Dungeons and secnarios would be preserving that time line or changing it to depower the infinite flight, example one dungeon might be help the first horde destroy stormwind. A scenario would be help the night elves and tauren fight back the fel humans. Raid wings would be themed on what army is helping the infinite, ex one wing you fight a army of light, another wing you fight feral worgen.

Entire world would get a HD overhaul. Leveling would be threw new stories in the old zones (both high and low level players would get to enjoy the HD overhaul, via phasing max players would get the new story while low level players would get the original zone story as to not rob players of content.

Loot HD remake of all old loot like how legion did a HD of a BC tier so example HD lightforge for a dungeon drop HD judgement and HD thunderfury from a raid

No mission table no borrowed power. Return of glyphs lots of glyphs.

Forgot to mention open up customization. Upright for forsaken or just skeletons ect. All races get all hairstyles and hair colors and more races, forest trolls fel orcs, red dranei, lepergnomes, giblins, those fish people that use the night elf skeleton, a subrace of ogres that just happen to be tauren height, and a sub race of vykul that just happen to be kul"tiran height, and height sliders (within reason so nothing lore braking like a goblin size tauren)


This sounds pretty sweet. I think people are still mad about how WoD ended up though, so it seems unlikely we’d ever get another time-travel expansion.

Still, the idea of our worst enemies from different timelines attacking us sounds awesome.

its just wotlk, classic version but released on retail with all the good QoL features that have come since then.

I think this would be a terrific concept and would let the designers delete past mistakes and rebuild more carefully.

World of Warcraft: Reconstruction

Return to a war torn Azeroth. Between the Legion, the 4th war and the Scourge Azeroth is in tatters. The Horde and Alliance have few forces left to spare and now more than ever the heroes of Azeroth must find a way to return peace and prosperity to the world.

Rebuild the regions of Azeroth starting by choosing which major city you want to focus on.

Alliance: Stormwind, Ironforge, Gnomeregan, Boralus, The Exodar, Darnassus(Hyjal), Shadowforge, Telogrus Rift and Theramore.
Horde: Orgrimmar, Thunderbluff, Echo Isles, Dazar’Alor, Silvermoon City, Undercity(Ruins of Capitol City), Suramar, Thundertotem and Stonard.

From this staging point you will rebuild the area around it and venture forth into nearby regions to secure and protect your people.

Once you’ve finished there you’ll move on to one of the other cities until you’ve secured the heart of your factions territory.

As the expansion continues the heroes of Azeroth will return to Outland and Northrend and clear up the regions there. Then move on to Pandaria.

More Allied Races

More Customization focused on equalizing design and scope. (I.e. Scars and tattoos separated for all races between head and body and not attached to faces, tail options for Draenei and LFD, ect)

Player housing (designed to continue being used in the future)

Rework of borrowed power systems into a talent tree system. (legion artifact weapon unlocks talent slots, Azerite unlocks talent slots, crafting your legendary armor opens up talent slots)

Culminating in a reforging of your legion weapon using the Heart of Azeroth and memories from the Runecarver allowing you to further expand your talent options and change what kind of weapon, and it’s look for your Legion one. (think turning the Ashbringer into a pole arm or two handed Hammer. Whatever weapon you tend to prefer for your class.)

There will sadly still be a an AP like system for continued leveling. The levels of which will earn you new ranks and tiers of talents. (Level will not increase beyond level 60.)

Allied races. The Horde and Alliance have called in all their remaining allies. They’re needed now more than ever.

Alliance: High Elves, Wildhammer, Frostborn, Jinyu, Furbolg, Ankoan.
Horde: Ogres, Revantusk, Taunka, Hozen, Alteraci, Kelfin

Further both factions are seeking allies among more neutral races.

Neutral AR: Outcast Arakkoa, Ethereals, Tuskarr, Vrykul, Outcast Naga, Saurok, Sporelings, Yuangol, Saberon, Sethrak.

Borrowed power is disappearing. Replaced by a proper increase in player power through extended talents. (they’re based off the borrowed power traits.)

Customization returns.

Nothing. Let’s make new ones. Start with actual character options that make you worthy of the title Champion of Azeroth.


Well, I’m no game developer. I try to understand it and have even bought textbooks on game design because I am just curious, but at the end of the day what I know is a pittance.

But I do know that a game like WoW has to make players feel things: Heroic, scared, happy, sad. And those feelings should not come almost exclusively from cinematics. Those feelings need to happen in game-play.
I would take the next expac to the other side of Azeroth. Whole new area with a lot of new flora and fauna and architecture.
Two new races: A smaller race of ogres and Tuskar. No new classes or specs: Let’s balance what we have.

NO scaling. You do an area and get powerful enough to go to the next area. Go too early and get stomped. But by all means try to run past overpowered enemies to a destination because, hey, it is fun to try.

I would jettison temporary abstract power that fills a bar and gives players a little boost that will go away next expac. That doesn’t feel good when you get it and feels lousy when you lose it.

Make gearing more clearly linear like it used to be. The first gear one gets while leveling should be as good as the best gear in SL so that leveling isn’t underwhelming right off the bat. Each area drops better gear, then dungeons and WQs, heroic dungeons, LFR or mythic 0, regular raiding and early M+, heroic raiding and later M+, and then mythic raiding. In that order. Late in the expac add badges that boost each armor level so that players can re-run their favorite content and improve the armor they got from that content (no you can’t improve mythic raiding armor with LFR badges).

I’m bringing in instanced player housing. You can have a suite in the city of your choice. Rare drops of housing items in old content so players will want to stay subbed and farm for those things. Rare recipes to farm and get via rep. Bring back logging from WoD and make carpentry a new profession.

New BG and a world PVP area. Also refurbish some of the problematic old BGS. And did I mention I am ending the factions? Yeah. PVP is is a sport now. You wear a colored tabard.

At max level; However, it makes sense to me that players would have to do something to get it. How about a daily quests to get rep, flying, and a cool new mount? Thinking like the Netherdrakes in BC.

What do we do with those pesky players who don’t want to do instanced content with a guild or with strangers? I was thinking about this and had three ideas. 1. The one dumb phone game I play is a bingo game (laugh all you want but it keeps my brain busy until l get sleepy but isn’t interesting enough to keep me alert). Anyway, I get bingo tokens for what my friends in the game do each week. We don’t play together, but we benefit from being friends. So I would institute something like that for players: Have up to 25 active friends and you get a little bonus. It’s social interaction for those who hate social interaction. 2. I’m going to spew unique rewards all over old instances that people can solo. I want players farm, farm, farming for all kinds of things. New hairstyles! Backpacks! Rare pets! New transmogs! Rare recipes! 3. So you know the mission table? Let’s make it better. Yeah you get followers – you farm them up, fam – and you don’t lose all of them at the end of the expac. And one of the things the table does is reward you each week with a chance to go do a special WQ that is harder and that rewards you with a special currency that allows you to save up and purchase some of those farming items I mentioned above. Because we all hate it when we just want that ONE item and can’t get it after doing an old raid 100 times.

I know this is a novel. Sorry not sorry. And I know it is a lot of development. But I am charming and bring cookies to work and my developers work twice as fast as any developers ever. :stuck_out_tongue:

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