You’ve just been named lead game designer

I’d ask people what they want in the game. SHOCKING!

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Fire the devs and the writers.

Hiring competent writers.
Hiring competent devs with passion.

Hiring all fired employes from Paris back again.

Looking to create an engaging story and better raids.

Looking at the old world (Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor) and update the world (pashing).
(I ask myself how this old world seems to new players?)
Creating more content on Azeroth.

Creating more events and things like the Legion invasions (the pre-event, early expansion ones, not the crap that’s still in game).

Creating a lot more of customization options for all races.
Creating more sub-allied races like:
Broken- Draenei
Forest Trolls

Creating at least one, if not two alternative models for every race.
Meaning: When you are creating your character you will be able to choose first:
Skinny, buff, fat.
Kul’tiran models are good example for humans.

Creating player housing.

There is a lot of work to be done. I would of course also work on balancing the game and especialy listen to player feedback.

I would also allow some level of moding. There needs to be some control (lore- ip etc.)

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I’m bad with naming things. I finish essays before I know the title so one of my peasa… Interns is gonna find a nice name for it.

War/push for elven independence. Civil war as people of both the Alliance are unhappy with their leaders and try to overthrow them. Might result in an end of factions as we know them (so we can finally all play together) with elves building a loose alliance that remains neutral towards other peoples until conflict arises again (which as we all know happens in every single expansion).

I would keep m+ and raiding relevant but also rework PvP substantially to a point where world pvp is viable and relevant (but instanced pvp can stay as well); there would be borrowed power systems but you’d get to keep some part of that power after the expansion (and there’d be catchup mechanisms/short questlines to unlock those remainders of former expansion’s powers as row/branch of a reworked talent system in kind of an ‘unlock one, unlock all’ account wide way after the expansion ends - so it’s more alt friendly);

More hairstyles, more hair colors, more little details (jewelry, tats, piercings), options for weight and height for all races (within ranges that look natural for them - no 2m high gnomes… Yet), the option to write a biography for your character that shows up in your character window if you want it to, old appearances would get reworked, clipping issues would be addressed, void elves would not get high elf options BUT since elves would have their loose alliance, independent from horde and alliance at some point, a high elven appearance would not force people into the horde, nightborne would get reworked, beards would get reworked (especially belf beards just look like they’re glued on), glasses not just for engineers cause… As if engineers would sell everything but the glasses they make.

Professions would get reworked - don’t know how exactly yet but at the moment they’re kinda painful

Scaling would be addressed. I think it’s a no-go that when I go to BfA zones now, I feel weaker now than I did at lvl 120 with a 457 ilvl. Diminishes the sense of progress plus people should have chances to get tmogs of expansions that aren’t the current expansion EVEN if they don’t have friends (or those they have simply don’t care for those tmogs).

Affixes in m+ would be looked into and I’d invite people who aren’t mythic raiders as alpha and beta testers. I’d try to get as many different people with different playstyles and experience as possible to test m+ and raids rather than just high end players (though I’d get those too).

I think something like Torghast is a great idea, so is the sanctum, but everything you do in this game should feel reasonably rewarding, so that’d be a focus.

Also, bonus rolls in raids are back and the drop rate back to how it was and there’s either something like titan residuum or valor to act as bad luck protection, so you know after doing x amount of raiding you will definitely be able to purchase a piece of gear even if the rng gods despise you.

When you queue for normal or heroic dungeons you can click “leveling alt”, “new player” or “willing to teach”, so new players don’t get yelled at by people who wanna level their alts as quickly as possible, people leveling alts don’t get frustrated and people who are experienced but don’t mind helping new players can be grouped with new players. You can obviously change that setting whenever you want to but it doesn’t automatically set itself back to a default setting.

You can give people commendations after doing content with them. There’s no negative feedback as in a star system that allows people to give others a bad reputation through abusing the feedback system but if you really enjoyed playing with someone you can give them a thumbs up essentially. You can only give the same person (toon) one commendation per account though, so people can’t go and infinitely give their guildies or friends commendations.

… I have more ideas but I’m too lazy to go on right now. Maybe I’ll add something later
Also sorry if my English is bad-ish. Not my first language.

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How long have you been on the forums this expac? It seems you’ve been around a darn long time for someone who so vehemently hates SL.

I would probably start by telling the story in game rather than in q&a panels and books by mediocre authors that nobody reads.


Make nagas and murlocs playable as dueling faction.
Delete all other races.

A lot of what I’m reading here is “more player customization” and I think it could do with some player housing personally.

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weve had many of these posts and it never leads to anything.

so i’ll just go full sperg, kill wow and move everyone over to wow2.

Removal of borrowed power, and I would bring back attunements

I would also remove vulpera as making them a playable race was a mistake

wont make an expansion. ill just give bioware an ungodly amount of money to remake world of warcrafts story into an massive rpg game with hack and slash combat. also sense theres no ending shadowlands onwards would pivot into a intergalactic war storyline that would end with void sargeras. would this piss off the fans? sure. but who cares i want wows story to be told in a semi coherent manner.

Wrath of the Forum king

In a bleak future… the forums have been overran by all sorts of problems… only the Heroes of Azeroth can save us.

When a forum troll is defeated… their player is banned from the game. They are also sent a bill for $1,000 dollars.

Disappearing feature: Unsubbing… you can’t until you are banned and pay your bill.

World of Warcraft: I have No Idea How I got This Job So Here’s Hoping

I know it’s a bit long but having no game development experience it’s probably going to be a mess.


Fix the three pillars of the game: M+, Raid, and PvP now all have paths to top ilvl gear.

Random loot drops are augmented with a currency system. This system has logarithmic cost scaling based on level of content done, with 1 currency for PvE and 1 for PvP, and the amount of currency given based on the difficulty of the content increasing in kind. This currency can be used to purchase specific items from the loot table of any dungeon or raid boss that you have completed/killed.

The factions are merged; Alliance and Horde now only exist in random BGs and warmode.

Flying is permanently instituted and all zones are designed around it.

The AoE cap is removed for almost every ability (think BFA and Legion).

Dozens of new employees browse the bnet forums, reddit, twitch, etc looking for player feedback. Most importantly they are recruited from people who actively play the game at all levels and of all classes: Raid, M+, PvP, even casual. This will allow a stronger connection to the community.

Solo Queue is introduced for PvP.

Classes that are strong remain relatively unchanged. Classes that are weak or poorly considered are rebuilt from the ground up (looking at you, DH). Borrowed power systems are removed. A new talent row is added, and possibly a new talent column. This will increase variety and player power without making the player feel nerfed when a new expansion comes out.

Finally, Torghast is analyzed and used as a blueprint for a possible 4th pillar of the game revolving around solo content. This iteration would provide actual rewards for completion, with highly challenging class-specific features similar to the mage tower. These rewards would not just be cosmetic, they would provide gear strong enough to make a player competitive.

Not sure on a title, but the story would involve us going to AU Azeroth to stop an invasion from Yrel and her forces.

At least two new Allied Races:
Horde: AU Fel Humans, with AU Varian as their leader
Alliance: AU High Elves, with AU Sylvanas as their leader

No borrowed power, let classes be classes again. No timegates, you can grind everything at all times though the most rewarding activities have a daily/weekly cooldown.

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I bring back tier sets for raiding pvp and m+

I bring back badges and valor as part of the baseline progression

I bring back reforging so u can tweak ur character the way u want

I make it more alt friendly

I add the best player housing of any mmo

I still have cross server play but the world is strictly your server, no sharding

I make interesting gear

I give every spec the shadowpriest treatment

I rework talents a bit to be a mix of modern and vanilla, so there can be more experiementing

I get rid of warmode bonuses as u should be playing on it for the fun of it rather than the bonus

Add a couple new races

and for this expansion I would bring us back to azeroth for the expansion, basically a “classic 2” as I would remake old dungeons, and mega dungeon some classics like shadowfang keep and temple of atal’hakkar

thats all i can think of rn

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Rise of the Void
There will be a trailer. No Alpha/Beta/PTR, all internal QA. Keep this under wraps until launch.

We log into the new expansion, Alliance players are asked to report to King Varian Wrynn and the Horde players are asked to report to Warchief Garrosh Hellscream.


The Defias Brotherhood have grown in power in our absence, having come across powerful artifacts to bolster their efforts.

Genn Greymane and the Gilnean forces have established a foothold on the edge of Westfall, we must report to him and aid him in pushing back Defias forces.

Jaina Proudmoore has a mission for us to assist her and Stormwind’s forces to regain a foothold in Redridge mountains. The Gnolls have aligned themselves with the new Defias order and have taken Lakeshire for the Defias.

Malfurion Stormrage is investigating the return of the Dragons of Nightmare in Duskwood and the invasion of mysterious Dark Forces.


The Primal Centaur, Quilboar, and Naga have banded together with the power of mysterious ancient artifacts.

Garrosh Hellscream commands the players to first report to Vol’Jin and Thrall in the Echo Isles. The Naga have risen from the depths wielding powerful void artifacts.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner and her Forsaken legion have pushed the Centaur back into the Southern Barrens and need the aid of Horde champions to eliminate this threat.

Cairne Bloodhoof, his son Baine Bloodhoof, and their Tauren army have been beaten badly by the Quilboar. They need your help to regain the Northern Barrens and their homeland of Mulgore.

New Raids
For the sake of fairness, the raids will be identical between the two factions but have different boss names/models.

The Alliance must eliminate the Defias Threat in Moonsbrook. The champions of the Alliance will confront Hogger, Edwin Van Cleef, and lastly a lord of Void.

The Horde will defeat the primal threats of the Barrens in a new 10 boss instance of Wailing Caverns. They will defeat prominent generals of the Centaur, the Quilboar, and the Naga. The final boss fight will be a battle with a dark lord of the Void.

Throughout these raids, the players will hear constant whispers and cries for help up until the final boss fight when the screams become clearer. Anduin and Jaina are yelling for help to the Alliance players while Thrall and Rokhan are asking for aid from Horde players.

The end-raid cinematic will feature Alliance players waking up in a darkened Stormwind keep and Horde players will awaken in a darkened Orgrimmar. We are informed by our leaders that we were put to sleep during our fateful encounter with N’zoth. He won and the Black Empire has retaken Azeroth. Very few friendly beacons remain and we must fight to retake our world from the Old Gods.

Well, first off I would make sure the trades were all equivalent in quality and difficulty. There needs to be a coordinator that oversees them all, and someone in each that makes sure risk/time vs reward is met. Trades should in theory be able to make very quality content all the way to raid level, not make meh stuff you can kind of use to give your alts a hand up for a few days.

Risk vs reward overall needs to be much more consistent and streamlined. There’s too much stuff in the game that is horrendously difficult or time consuming to accomplish with almost no payoff. Or stuff that’s pretty easy and has a great payoff.

And make sure there’s no gap in loot. Every expansion there’s one or two pieces of gear that are super hard to get. No more of that crap. Make sure your rewards are useful to ALL CLASSES AND BUILDS rather than constantly making them for specific ones (how many months went by before there was a dagger weapon reward in WQ the last expansion and this one?? Why is almost every hunter weapon reward for survival??)

I’d also do the idea I posted earlier about letting you use alts as follower NPCs.

Also, I would tie in old content to new: let you use the farm from Pandaria and the Garrison from Legion for your characters to get some value out of instead of simply abandoning the concept entirely. I would make a real effort to make old content still matter and be useful instead of almost totally abandoning it when a new expansion comes out.

I would try to come up with content and storylines for each class, and each race, so you have more than just the stock storyline to follow.

And when the final end game happened, the PLAYER CHARACTERS would be the key forces that save the day, not the usual stock of pet NPCs that Blizzard loves so much. Enough of having Thrall or some other NPC deal with the enemy, this is an RPG and the players are supposed to be the heroes.

Oh yeah, and I’d fix Gilneas so its usable as a player city.
One more idea: I’d make dungeons scale to the size of the party (down to 3 at least) so you can hit content with smaller groups. I’d make dungeons have special currency that you can then use to buy specific targeted content rather than completely being at the whim of the RNG.

As for the theme, I would do an underground world, beneath the continents: its all interconnected with gigantic caves, etc. What lurks down there? Who lives there? What monsters might be revealed?

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I would present all kinds great innovative ideas. Then my boss at Activision would remind me that my responsibility is to make the Stockholders happy, not the Players.

I would release another easy to consume, high selling expansion that satisfies no one… but the a fore mentioned stockholders. sigh.


I would put my resignation on the same day. Nope nope nope nope!

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Oh and one more thing: slim down specs. Not every class needs 3; Demon Hunters do just fine with two. Most of the problems with class design and balance is devs struggling to figure out some way to make all of the specs work, and it never, ever works. Rogues don’t need 3 specs. Warriors don’t need 3 specs. Priests don’t need 3 specs. Shaman don’t need 3 specs. etc