Yo Uncorrupted Void Elves!

I agree on hair colors. Presumably it is because it is harder to add hair colors to existing void elf hairstyles than it is to copy paste blood elf skins for void elves. :roll_eyes:

I disagree there. These Silvermoon Elves can’t come and study the Void then go back to Silvermoon when Lorthemar and Rommath start making dramas about it.

They also neither corrupt themselves. Shadow Priests are not corrupted by Void shenanigans. You need a ritual for that kind of thing, like Demon Hunter or in this case, Void Elves.

If they don’t go through it, they should retain their normal Helf form.

I think the entropic embrace is game mechanics, or maybe just learning it through study. They are Void Elves, I’m just saying they’re not as corrupted, just learned to use them.

They do have earned their Void Elf undies.

I hope not. We need more undies! And it’d go with themselves as these are guys/girls that came from Silvermoon.

Let’s not also forget we are talking about clothing. This isn’t even something that should require a stylist.

I am assuming Void Elves know how to get dressed in the mornings.

Could simply be resolved by disallowing the colour for that specific haircut, like how some faces are unable to be dark or asian skintones for humans…

I for one hope void elves wont get lighter hair options… but… time will tell.
I want MORE tentacles, gravity defying tentacles. A tentacle ARM! moooore corruption!

I want white and black hair. You can keep your blondes.

Yes, I want to RP a Drow.

Always considered the Nightborne to be the Drow of WoW…

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nah, too big. Drow are small.

The whole argument with shadow priests is something I won’t even touch. Why do blood elf shadow priests exist and how are they not void elves and how are they not threatening the sunwell, etc etc. It’s a can of worms that is best not opened.

In order for a void elf to be a playable void elf, they have defining racial traits and abilities that blood elves do not have. They also gain, at the very least, the definitive void corruption glowing in their eyes. There is no way to eliminate these ingame nor will there be.

Neither of our theories are proved explicitly in game, all I know for sure is that playable void elves can’t have green/gold/pure eye colors because they are void elves, not high/blood elves. And that they also have their very specific void elf abilities that blood elves cannot mimic (spatial rift, void form, and so on).

And the underwear is obviously a bug from the lazy copypasting of blood elf skins on void elf bodies. It’s not here to stay…

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Void Elf male models who want to keep the Void skin tones have black eyes now though.

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(Commentary): It’s dumb, but Void Elf has been a political moniker for a while. Any elf who wields the void would be a, ‘Void Elf,’ otherwise. Void Elves are elves who not only are exiles from Quel’Thalas, but also advocate many more freedoms in the pursuit of knowledge and personal liberty. Quel’Thalas is a totalitarian state, complete with literal thought police (who funnily enough seem to use void magic to change people’s thinking), walking robots spouting propaganda, and any sizable group stepping out of line getting exiled.

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While that might be true playable void elves have specific abilities and features that make them stand out and define what a void elf is. A blood elf that casually dabbled in void magic then decided to join the Alliance would not have those features and could not be playable (without ignoring all of those things and pretending they did not exist).

My Void elf male kept his void skin and has violet eyes…not sure why yours turned black, Lannisterian.

It’s a known issue, they look like they’ve been punched on all void elf skin tones. There’s like dark circles that weren’t there before.

I think entropic embrace iis a game mechanic mostly, as Blizz won’t add a separate one for them, or something that comes through study and learning to manipulate the Void to a deeper level.

However, they don’t need to go through the ritual or corrupt themselves. If it were to augment their abilities like DHs or something, I’d understand. But it does nothing but make you intollerant to the light and being at the brink of going mad.

That was never the Void Elves’ goal.

We can use the Shadow Priest example on every other race. They don’t get corrupted physically by it’s energies. Only using the Void doesn’t change you. Just like how using light doesn’t turn you in a lightforged.

Hope Blizz leaves this oversight, then. :grin:

I don’t think you understand. I mean one thing they could do is purposely add more of the blood elf hairstyles and made it only fit on the blood elf skins (which is ridiculous, why would they be unwilling to style their hair differently unless they have less corruption?), but I think that’s a bad idea.

Recoloring the current void elf hairstyles would be challenging and time consuming. Giving void elves blood elf skintones was such a rush job they didn’t even fix the underwear before moving it over. They obviously weren’t going to spend time and recolor the hair options. :roll_eyes:

(Query): I assume you mean their racials?

(Commentary): Alleria herself is a Void Elf, and her, “racials,” do not fall in line with what we’ve seen from player racials. She actually has control of where and when she uses her Void Form. It doesn’t just proc randomly in combat. Does this mean she is not a Void Elf? Do we know if her casting can or can’t be interrupted? Does she get discounts at transmog vendors?

(Speculative): Unfortunately it boils down to the issue that Void Elves in general are ill-defined. Either any elf wielding the void is a Void Elf (and that is a massive can of worms to consider), or Void Elf is a political ideology with an emphasis of the Void itself being the symbol of that movement. In a way it’s fitting; the Void see’s all possibilities as true and embraces the ideas of freedom to the point of Chaos. Void Elves are a group of elves who support greater freedoms and liberties.

(Commentary): This isn’t to downplay the importance of the Void as a narrative element for the Void Elves, but rather, to underline how what culture they do have as a faction exists. It’s not unlike how Draenei culture has been shaped by magic and light, or how Night Elf culture has been shaped by Druidism and faith in Elune. Not every Night Elf is a Druid, but every Night Elf holds philosophies, morals, and views based from Druidic teachings. Not every Draenei is a Priest or Paladin, but every Draenei wields the Light and embraces it’s teachings. The same applies to Void Elves. Not every Void Elf is a Shadow Priest, but every Void Elf wields Void magic to an extent and embraces the virtues of freedom and liberty.


I wish you could lock your own topics…

Alleria isn’t a typical void elf (until recently I did not consider her one at all), but she has void elf abilities.

We are not talking about Alleria though, we are talking about playable races.

That said, regardless of whether or not I agree with everything you’ve posted, I find it very interesting, especially your comment on void elves embracing the virtues of freedom and liberty. A very interesting eloquent way to put it, and I’ll admit I never quite thought of it in that way.

Void elves are definitely both a political entity (the ren’dorei) and a race with very obvious physical (magical?) traits. Whether or not that corruption is required for one to be a void elf is questionable, but a blood elf could also just call themselves a high elf and join the Alliance, same as a high elf could do the same and join the Horde.

The difference between being a high elf and a void elf on the Alliance isn’t significant, except that void elves have corruptive traits. Their beliefs do not clash heavily with the high elves, but they are obviously not high elves because of the influence of void magic on them.

If I am correct–and I may not be–the question is rather how much void corruption/mastery/etc is required before a blood elf or high elf is identified as a void elf? Because just agreeing with and studying with void elves in and of itself, does not make them ren’dorei. And frankly, the idea of liberty and freedom is not the defining trait of what void elves are, rather it is their belief about their pursuit of magic, and that they will show no shame for doing it, despite or even because of the cost.

So… what color are they? i’m lookin for a new pair too wear myself.

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(Commentary): I got sucked into the High Elf debate a while ago. The people for them have always been friendly towards Mechagnomes so I’ve tried to support them in turn. I’ve done a lot of thinking about High Elves, Blood Elves, and Void Elves.

(Humor): Unit Exacitor has burned through half a dozen cranial processing units…

(Commentary): Void Elves are… tricky. Their lore is very undefined, very vague, and hasn’t been built on well. Mostly we go off of their leaders; Alleria and Umbric, and if I’m honest, for the longest time I didn’t see Alleria as a Void Elf either. She seems more like a High Elf wielding the void, and I don’t care to think of every void-wielding elf as a Void Elf, because that opens up a nasty can of worms. But, we’ve been told she is a Void Elf. It’s hard to ignore the word of god.

(Commentary): My own interpretation of Void Elf culture being steeped in freedom and personal liberty stems from an examination of Blood Elves, High Elves, and what I can of Void Elves. Scholars and Wayfarers in the Telogrus Rift both share lines about being, “free,” to pursue studies without fear of persecution or exile. Umbric himself during the War Campaign shows immense distaste for Gallywix and how he has virtual minimum wage slaves. Truth be told, I don’t think High Elves embrace the ideas of freedom to the same extent Void Elves do, and I think that is a fundamental difference between them.

(Commentary): It’s just not as strong a difference as between Void Elves and Blood Elves. Quel’Thalas is a Totalitarian state. High Elves, by contrast, don’t have a single nation, but if they did, I imagine they would adhere to laws and morals that’d make studying certain things such as necromancy, taboo. While High Elves and Void Elves do get along, I think it’s because High Elves don’t have their own nation, and thus are free to change their way of thinking.

(Conclusion): So, I think in the future it’d be easy to get a narrative rolling where Void Elves and High Elves do become one entity under the name of Void Elf. I think it won’t be hard to convince High Elves that freedom and liberty are things worth striving for. I also think it’ll be healthy for both groups if they do finally merge in the future. If this means all High Elves start practicing the void at least a little bit, like how all Draenei can wield the light a little, then that just helps cement them on a symbolic and practical level as a race with it’s own philosophies and morals.