Yo Uncorrupted Void Elves!

Game won’t let me in to check.

In the PTR, the uncorrupted skintones used blood elf undies, have they finally fix that?

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You’re a void elf regardless or not you look it.


They fixed it! It was the first thing I checked! :stuck_out_tongue:

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…Your point? I called them Void Elves, did I not? I did not use the term ‘half elf’ because that is false.

A man of culture, i see!


I can smell you, take a shower.


That was not the topic at hand.


There is no such thing as uncorrupted void elves. Uncorrupted void elves are literally high elves or blood elves. Some void elves have normal skin tones because they have less corruption, but they are all corrupted to some degree in order to be void elves.

Just a technicality, but I needed to point this out. “Uncorrupted void elf” is an oxymoron.

And yes, I’m pretty sure it’s still bugged unless they fixed it in the maintenance they literally just did.

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Right… right… but the skintone isn’t ‘normal’ for void elves… and not all of them are ‘pale’ so I just had my hands in my hair on what to call it.

Their skintone is uncorrupted, their body and being is not.

It’s fair, I just wanted to mention that.

Reduce sodium intake.


As much as it looks like Blizz pulled these customization with no planning, It’s not exactly true. Since the Void Elves appeared, we’ve had Silvermoon Elves visiting the Rift.

We have to take in consideration that the Void Elves didn’t study the void to become what they are. They just wanted to study the Void like any Elf study magic. So, non corrupted Elves that study the Void are a thing and have been being a thing since their introduction.

They just lack the whispers in their heads. Which is something I bet nobody would want. But Blizz won’t add “Blood Elves” or anything to the name of the race.

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Blood elves that haven’t utilized enough of void magic to become void elves are just blood elves. (i.e., they are not [yet] playable characters.) They share none of the traits and abilities void elves naturally have.

The blood elves in the rift likely will become void elves in some form, but right now they are just curious pilgrims.

I agree that they are not corrupted, but I disagree that they will be corrupted. The Blood Elves that were corrupted didn’t go through that ritual willingly, they were forced to and according to Alleria, it’s not something nice to have.

I think the Silvermoon Elves that joined the Void Elves will just learn the Void without going through that dangerous ritual that offers them nothing in return and will just study normally.

They will be called Void Elves, of course. But I think mostly for game mechanics. I also think Blizz will end up adding non tentacle hairs and such.


Guys, please, I came here to talk about undies!


I am talking in defense of undies. Because by defending the Silvermoon Elves not being corrupted, I’m debating in favor or more flavors of undies for Void Elves.

If they keep themselves uncorrupted, they’ll have and keep their Silvermoon undies. So… we’d always have two types of undies on them. :eyes:

It’s possible, but they won’t be playable void elves nor will they be void elves in lore, because they lack the defining elements that separate ren’dorei and sin’dorei.

If you are arguing that there are blood elves that learn void elf magic then join the Alliance officially as a “void elf” with none of the corruptive features, I am sorry but that is incorrect. At least in terms of playable characters.

Many of them will leave, but those that stay (or stay long enough) will very likely begin to show corruption, at which point they couldn’t really return to Silvermoon even if they wanted to. And then you have a new void elf with only minor corrupting features :slight_smile:

But… they are not silvermoon elves, they are void elves, they still pop blueberry when angry. They have earned their void-elf undies.

I just don’t get why they can’t have more hair colors. Presumably, hair dye is a thing.

And barring that, they have a bald hairstyle and wigs must exist.

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I agree hair dye is a thing, but perhaps the void won’t let you bleach out it’s darkness to become blond?

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And void elves having blood elf underwear is a bug/oversight anyways. It’s because they literally copy pasted the blood elf skins onto void elves in a rush, and is not something that will stay. The blood elf skin variations will have void elf underwear, not that this is really that critical of an issue but I mean they are not going to be the only race in the game with customizable underwear…