Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

Literally, they’re talking about premade raids vs. pugs in random bgs.

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it's not a perfect system, and we're still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it's not meant for organized groups to "pug stomp" and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize--if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

The ultimate effect that this kind of queuing has had is to drive players away from PvP. Perhaps it's been a long time since you've been in a random group, but a lot of players will see that they're up against a premade and simply quit. At best, they suffer through it. To an extent premade groups count on this.

What is true that there's been an increase in pre-made groups disrupting the PvP experience for other players, though. Pre-mades in the normal queue, however they are formed, are not something that we've ever been particularly fond of. It had become more of an issue of late, so we addressed it accordingly.


Because its incorrect. You are trying to use the fact that you cant que pvp in a raid when you cant que anything with a raid.

No its called joining at the same time.

You havent refuted anything.

You should really learn how to read things. Nothing they said is making premades against the rules.

Ok you are just being willfully ignorant at this point…


To Snozex’ credit, they said they were solving the issue, not that they were banning people. This was 12 years ago.

Assuming we’re still talking about the engadget link, I’m admittedly not caught up.

Nah you guys are just reading things that arent actually there. I guess you never learned how to legally read documents or understand theres zero in that entire paragraph that states they are making premades against the rules.

They say they dont “approve”
and they dont “prefer”

zero says they are making it against any rules.

Irony considering you have been ALL thread <3

Thanks for proving me right, you said it was a fact, which is what I’m saying. Fact is, you can’t queue for BGs as a raid group. That’s all I’m saying. Which is correct. You can’t queue for BGs as a raid group.

Also, the difference is, no one is trying to sync queue in PvE or anywhere else for that matter. People will just use LFG and do a normal raid.

Nothing in the game besides epic battlegrounds are even formatted for 40 man raid groups anyway. Even raiding has been reduced to flex difficulty, most being 10 man or 20 man raiding.

And what do you do in order to join at the same time? Manipulate the queue by dropping and requeueing when you don’t get the same pop.

I did. Multiple times now. Even now I’m refuting your points.

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I didnt prove you right. You cant even see the point I made.

You cant use “you cant use a raid group to que into bgs” as proof that you arent supposed to have more than 5 people in a premade when you cant que ANYTHING with a raid group.

Still doesnt justify your bad point.

You do a verbal countdown that again Blizz has stated its ok and not agaisnt the rules.

Keep sipping the koolaid because you havent.

You are the very example of why these groups need banned. You don’t care that blizzard doesn’t want it to happen.


Your answer doesn’t make sense to my original question which was:

Here was your answer:

It’s called queue manipulation when you’re queueing at the same time and then dropping the queue whenever you don’t get the same pop, and rinse and repeating until you do.

I’m not using it as proof. I’m using it simply as fact that you can’t queue for a battleground in a raid group.

Whether or not you can’t queue for “ANYTHING” else in the game with a raid group is irrelevant. I’m saying, because you can’t queue for a battleground in a raid group, circumventing that by queueing and then dropping the queue whenever you don’t get the same pop, is queue manipulation.

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Rated BG’s. OH and wargames.


I don’t know anything about PvP but I think it’s funny that OP is asking Blizzard to fix something that would be considered a detriment in any other game and WoW players are absolutely appalled by the suggestion.

WoW players are a strange breed, to say the least.


Tbh I played pvp like crazy from BC then around BFA it slowed. One day I just stopped doing rbgs… In part it’s premades but also in part pvp just as a whole isn’t fun and has become super stagnate. It’s been the same since I played other than eternal AV.

I tried arena but never could climb much as I’d win one then lose 5.
The system for it just isn’t fun and personally gives me a literal headache.
It’s not exploiting to coordinate with friends in groups to Q. This has been in pvp forever. The reason it’s so common now is because the games population is sadly shrinking and with no new life breathed into making pvp feel fresh it’s just the same boring CC spam the longest wins game.
As a once enthralled to BGs player from BC, I bowed out and have never Qd since mid BFA.
Pvp in wow feels like HOTS… abandoned and left to rot.

Fact is the thing you want “fixed” OP is likely the only thing that’s not caused the queues to be endless. Clearly no one wants to play for fun it’s about getting the honor fast ASAP and go go go.
The gameplay is stale the rewards all that matters now. Not the gameplay. It’s the same gameplay for the last 16 years.

You are not joining a random que for an RBG.

theres wargames for epic BGs?

Correct it’s rated bg’s where you queue as a raid.

Yes, this is actually something I just learned about myself yesterday.

If Blizzard cared they would make it against the rules which they havent. You have one blue post that said that person doesnt like it.

Gosh OP, look at all those people lying and gaslighting you saying “teaming up” is not an exploit…like they do not know about discord countdowns…SMH @ GD liars!

Gosh I have never said “teaming up” is an exploit. But do go off bud lol.

An interesting point regarding the whole “exploit” thing. Blizzard, in their Support post on the In-Game Code of Conduct, say:


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties."

Now obviously that is open to interpretation, as are many of Blizzard’s game rules. Is it cheating in the context of this topic? Possibly, since it’s a system not available to players inside the game itself. But ultimately it’s up to Blizzard to decide if its cheating. The fact that they haven’t tried to stop it to date isn’t really reason enough to say it’s not applicable, since stopping it is difficult, due it being organised outside the game.

I dunno what the answer is, I really don’t have a horse in this race, but I do understand how many players find it a problem.


The thing is they have said it is cheating if you just put to things they have said together.

First the definition of cheating you, I, and others have put forward
" engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating."

Second something that was said in the Twitter threads by article about Ashran a 40 man pvp raid
“If you’re in Ashran, we think it’s okay to bring 4 friends along with you. But bringing 39 creates an unfair environment.”

So it is unfair. That means it is cheating.

Now you can argue that in-between is not cheating…but to do so you need to argue that it is not unfair. I think that is silly, but whatever.

Just to be clear though, Blizzard, by those two statements has absolutely said that bringing a full 40 man premade into an epic BG is cheating.