Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

I didnt say you did.

I am saying BLIZZARD has stated its not exploiting or cheating.

But they ARENT because Blizzard has already stated its not.

You not seeing it doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

Then show what you claim.

Again, where did they say this? You’re meaning to tell me Blizzard has openly admitted that it’s fine to manipulate the queues to gain an advantage?

Because I haven’t seen this. Quite frankly, you’re just lying.

It doesn’t matter if you say they aren’t, that’s literally what it is. Queue manipulation.

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But you insulted someone because they insulted and your reason was because they did it first, but under your definition of insult the other person did it but you didn’t insult that person. Me feels there is a bias and scapegoating

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Nah. I dont care enough to track it down just for you to ignore it anyways.

You arent manipulating anything. Yes they stated that groups of people using voice to que together at the same time is not an issue.

Just because you havent seen it doesnt mean it doesnt exist. PS not lying.

It matters what Blizz says and they say it isnt.

Thanks, but no need for credit.

I’m sure other forum posters have also linked that info before.

It’s a community effort to try to save PvP from players who don’t respect the spirit of fair play.

I’ve been spam reported when I speak out against premade raids, so it’s up to y’all to keep up the good fight.


So once again you have nothing. This pattern seems doomed to repeat itself.

Nope I have it, just dont care enough to post something you cant or are unable to follow anyways.

When you think the majority of the games playerbase posts on the forums its hard to take you seriously

Repeating something over and over doesn’t magically make it true. I’m pretty sure it’s more insanity than anything.

Lucky for me

Still dont care.

Yes. This is my MO.

? I have no clue how there is any bias or scapegoat.

Where did I define insult?

Your 89 post is this alone says differently but ok bud. Once again you fail to provide proof of your claims.

You are confusing “killing time at work” for “caring”

and you continue to show a complete lack of common sense :slight_smile:

If you didn’t care you wouldn’t be here lol

nope but you continue to make baseless claims and they throw insults when you get called out.

I dont care what you think. Im here because this is entertaining.

Like I said


You haven’t said that until now lol I think maybe you should learn what common sense is before you claim people lack it.

Its pretty clear you lack it considering you think the majority of the playerbase posts on the forums

Where have I ever said that?

Yes it is. Let me break it down for you:

The game doesn’t allow you to queue for a BG as a raid group, correct? Correct.

Here’s the definition for manipulating:

manipulating - control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously.

Ok, so what do you call it when multiple 5 man parties queue for a battleground, and continuously drop the queue until they all get the same battleground pop?

Sounds a lot like queue manipulation.


Everytime I said the forums are a minority of the playerbase.

I dont need you to break anything down because you are incorrect.

Incorrect. You cant que for anything in a 40 man raid group.

Allowed per Blizzard.

Sounds like excuses.