Yo Blizzard, add like 5 extra layers per server for 5 days

You’re still dodging the point that we had more players on the Vanilla Classic servers at launch than we do now on Wrath Classic. That’s my point; I understand what Blizzard is doing, but their timing is super bad.

you’re way too tied up with taking Blizzard’s blue posts as facts and then ignoring the part where we have less players on now than we did in 2020.

There are other solutions like making semi permanent layers; breaking the servers up into those semi permanent layers, and using friends lists / guild’s as a way to do it.

Blizzard has options, but they utilize so little of their options right now; leaning on the players to make a choice.

Does the Q harm me? Nope, I use RD to log on, but it sure would be nice if they made a real effort to correct for their mistakes that go back to day 1 of vanilla Classic; problems THEY created, and then made worse in Phase 3.

Blizzard is mostly to blame here; but the players who thought the grass is greener (on other servers) were also to blame, however knowing how players act via seeing how retail is now; you think the could have learned from that, but NOPE.

Also Blizzard using OG Vanilla numbers as a comparison as opposed to comparing to Vanilla Classic was just disingenuous at best.

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