Yo blizz. fix spriest

Not sure how much more feedback you need to actually fix your class that hasn’t performed for 3 expansions. FIX SPRIEST BLIZZARD. are you purposely trying to make it so nobody wants to play it? get it together. us shadowpriests deserve some love at least once every 4 expansions. There is nothing that feels good about spriest and almost every spriest out there agrees. do you not look at spriest feedback? would love to have somewhat of an answer. kthx


I dunno; I’m absolutely stoked about Shadow Priest this expansion.



Genuine question.

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Really… hasnt it. I seem to remember shadow dominating in legion at some points

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As a casual I just think Shadow feels disjointed from the abilities it has. There’s a lot of clunk and grinding gears where I don’t feel the same way about other classes.

As a casual - the spec seems like something a bunch of people who only saw a shadow priest once in a dungeon thought how it played like but had no clue how to work together to create something that feels even remotely cohesive. “I saw a ghost once” “OHHHHH that sounds cool!”.

I can’t imagine what seasoned veterans think the class feels like if a nobody like me notices how clunk it is.


Shadow’s performed pretty fine over the last 3 expacs, but i do feel it’s current iteration is hellish and disjointed and seriously needs to go back to the drawing board

too many mechanics reintroduced with 0 thought or care with how they interact with our baseline kit or the rest of our talents, and a set of capstones that i barely even notice existing most of the time.


I find it especially strange considering how good both Holy and Disc feel. I really want to play priest, but Shadow just feels off. Mind flay and Mind Sear in general feel weird. Mind flay because usually I cancel it to cast something more important and mind sear because it doesn’t feel impactful enough as a main spender. Maybe I’m using it wrong but the fact that it ticks in fixed rates (I think its 25 Insanity) means unless its used at 100 insanity it ends early which doesn’t feel great.
There’s too many procs and secondary passive things contributing to the damage. It seems pointlessly complicated. I’d rather the spec just be dots and one main direct damage spell personally.


Cancelling mind flay whenever you want to cast something else is how you’re meant to use it (unless it’s mind flay: insanity, don’t cancel that).

Mind sear does feel awkward to use. I think mind sear would work better without the 25 insanity start up cost. It would feel better to use and make it more flexible. It would also only take 75 insanity to get the full channel which would avoid capping insanity.


I was really looking forward to having my Shadow Priest be my main for this expansion, but this doesn’t look like it is going happen. I am extremely disappointed in what was delivered.

I tried the build and rotation outlined by Ellipsis on Wowhead. It has given the best DPS compared to anything else I have tried so far. Shadowy Insight, Surge of Darkness, and Mind Melt feel awful together. They really disrupt any flow to the rotation.

Mind Games and Halo don’t feel good to press. They don’t contribute significantly to my overall damage and don’t interact with Shadow’s mechanics in any meaningful way.

I hate being forced to take Mind Spike and/or Dark Ascension/Void Eruption just to access Auspicious Spirits/Tormented Spirits and the entire right side of the shadow tree.

Blizzard had months to correctly implement visual feedback for talents and abilities.

  • Mind Spike has no animation.
  • Surge of Darkness has a 3 charge maximum but the HUD will only display 2 maximum. The result is that casting Mind Spike on 3 charges gives the impression that no charge was used due to maybe pressing the button during the GCD.
  • There is nothing on the HUD to indicate the stacks of Mind Melt. The result is that you end up not easily knowing the cast time of your next Mind Blast which disrupts the flow of game play. Another result is that if you have 2 stacks of Mind Melt and a Shadowy Insight proc, casting Mind Blast gives the impression that Shadowy Insight was not used due to maybe pressing the button during the GCD.
  • Unfurling Darkness will sometimes cause your Vampiric Touch button to randomly gain a highlighted border for no reason.
  • Shadow Word: Death fails to maintain a highlighted border when targets are at or below 20% health.

OP you need to be more specific, these kinds of post are just not constructive at all. If you mean broken abilities yes they need to fix them however you should be posting specific abilities that are broken

If you mean balance than you need to consider the following:
They are balancing at DF max level.
They haven’t done a tuning pass yet.


Several reasons: I love Shadowflame Prism being added to the tree, Mass multi-dotting for both DoTs, Mind Sear’s tooltip not being “makes enemies near the target vaguely uncomfortable, but they’re not quite sure why” anymore (though it could still use some iteration), and getting to pick Dark Ascension over Void Eruption (the cooldown of Void Bolt has always seemed awkward to me, though I really liked the original Voidform from Legion).

This ^

I think the only thing is to maybe tinker with the indicators. It seems like this what irritates people the most.
however, it’s also why I am a shadow priest - is because it requires extra thought and effort into maximizing your rotation; and it kind of immerses you into ‘by chance’ dps play which is kind of fun tbh

Legion it dominated Pre-tier raid(emerald nightmare)

Was swap-butt in The first Tier Raid(Nighthold)

Was meh in Tomb of Sargaras

Was good in Antorus

Pretty much Garbage in M+ all of Legion.

Throughout the whole expansion it was pretty mid.

It did dominate in BFA though.

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i am really not enjoying Shadowpriest for PVP.
in 1v1 scenario is a huge different from like 3v3.

In arena 3v3, i feel like all my power is coming from my dots, excluding tickling plague since it does no dmg for being our spender.

I find the whole Mind spike/mind blast gimic to be more clunky and unnecessary in this current iteration of shadow priest the more i play it. It just feels forced down the spec with no cohesiveness.

I don’t mind if the tree itself allowed you to just build strictly into it, empower it while losing some rot power in the process. But the way its been executed, it feels just awful to use.

SP still strong in PVP dmg-wise, but the whole Rotation is everywhere… Messy clunky and unnecessary. Too much happening, too many things to do to maximize dmg. I just don’t like it.

yeah you can say, omg i have more instant cast now. but man, did you play Season 4 SL pvp? I had much more fluid Instant cast. I rarely casted… mainly for heals …

Worse iteration by far. I miss SL season 4…

God this is just a mess.


the spec should of split into three forms.

Rot < Half and half > Burst.
With ether or options for single target focus to more AOE pressure focus.

And every path should have the talents required to fill such void.

This spec just feels like its fighting itself design wise. bah.


saying that means you either didn’t play BFA or you did play BFA and didnt play Spriest.
the entire BFA “dominating” meta for dps was : dh + rogue + X dps
the Xdps most often was a firemage/boomkin/unholy dk.
now those were the optimal comp aka “dominating” specs, not shadow

Ehhhh. I didnt play in legion but played Shadow late Vanilla through MoP before I finally called it quits. BFA 8.0 the spec was dead and unplayable. Finally by max corruption in the end it started to be decent but every spec was feeling good by that point. It was impossible to balance with Void Form.

Then in Shadow lands they tried to make it work and the spec felt horrendous on beta. Easily the worst spec in the game. Then eventually it got the rework that had a decent base to it but felt very incomplete. You could feel the incompleteness the entire expac.

Now fast forward to DF and the spec is again an abomination with the talent trees trying to bring like 6 different styles of shadow all together but none of them fit correctly in a coherent way. Theres no fluid idea of what shadow is and what it should be.

The spec needs to be brought down to foundation. Have every spell removed and thought of as an entire new spec. Build from coherence. 1 plan. 1 idea. WIth everything a spec needs unlike the current shadow that is among the squishiest, slowest, and bad utility ranged classes in the game.





Shadow priest was very good in BFA. During Eternal Palace guilds were literally stacking shadow priests for the last half of the raid. They also did pretty good in mythic + as well not sure about pvp though.

In the end of it yes but during prog no. Then they nerfed shadow and was again busted in late corruption. Hence why every shadow priest was calling to get rid of VF. It was impossible to balance properly.