Yikes, aggressive Mouse Cursor snapping bug is back

The symptoms I’m seeing look like WoW is losing focus for a frame and the cursor is defaulting to some other location, then WoW gets focus back, reads the new input and snaps the camera around because it was still in “drag” mode to spin the camera, so it spazzes out. I’d imagine this happens more often in multimonitor setups if they are in extend mode and are running mixed refresh rates.

My guess: It’s tied to the multiplane overlay system in Windows. https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5157 if you’re wanting to test it out. Run the disable one, restart the computer and test it. You can run the restore one to undo it.

MPO is also one of the main culprits of the horrible black flickering asset bug last year. Both Microsoft and Nvidia moved forward to full turn it all on, but there’s probably still some bugs to work out with driver compatibility and game coding.

same. i only use a couple of mouseovers in pvp but it sucks to have the cursor snap to the corner when i need it most.

Good thing we got the new “click to heal” functions that no one is ever going to use

Howdy Everyone,

Just wanted to drop in and let everyone know this is still being looked into and hopefully we will have a fix soon. I also want to let everyone know that the setting that tends to affect the reproducibility (which might help) is the Polling Rate so make sure to give that a try.

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I’ve tried that command and it DOESN’T work! And to lower any of the other said settings is garbage. I have a new computer and I shouldn’t be having issues with my mouse which I didn’t have prior to this expansion. Blizzard like before find a perm fix for this instead of relying on your players to “try” to find a solution on our end when it’s coming from YOUR end! Rant over for now. WE need this FIXED!

I noticed it seems to happen when I try to click and drag to change the camera position. It doesn’t register that I’m not clicking on anything else and so I click and drag and instead of the camera moving the cursor snaps to the middle of the screen.

Steelseries Rival 650, wired/wireless bug happens.

I have found a way to make the bug happen reliably:

Using blizzard ui, click left mouse button while alternately moving mouse slightly left and right in teh are of screen just above bags. I might make a video showing this process.

Video showing how to almost reliably replicate bug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU1ShW8vOLQ

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My hardware is at min, also my power supply is sub par. I have several addons.

Riding up a hill in between two rocks spun like a top and curser snapped to center.
Bot trap working as intended.

I have been having this issue too since 9.2, thought I was going slightly crazy til I saw this thread.

Still happening, still incredibly annoying. I’ve tried all the “fixes”. Considering cancelling my account over this - too risky playing a healer when seconds count and someone could die due to no fault of my own…

Bug has been fixed in today’s update!!

Yep I’ll believe that when I experience it myself. Had a couple times where everything worked fine for a while and then it started acting up like it’s been since 9.2 dropped. Hope you’re correct or they post a hotfix list signifying they did fix it.

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