Yikes, aggressive Mouse Cursor snapping bug is back

The mouse cursor bug where it occasionally moves to unintended locations, or “snaps” to the center of the screen is back (happens when clicking + holding + dragging mouse). And it’s back with a vengeance.

Whatever 9.2 did to bring this back, incase anyone does not have a history with this bug and does end up with it, it’s not solvable through any troubleshooting whatsoever. I remember having to try every last little one to no avail.

Mostly putting this warning here since anyone who has this, you’ll need to A. Hope that it affects enough players as it did during last patch in BFA (SL Launch?) where tech support was flooded with this issue, forcing a fix instead of simply cutting losses and having the few unsubscribe, and B. either learn to deal with it (if you are able to) or watch this forum and eventually unsubscribe if you can’t.

Again, learn to get used to it. None of the console commands recommended or simple “quick fixes” that’ll be listed for you will fix it. They do not work. You will learn to replicate this issue with ease as well to test it over and over, but it can still happen rarely (at just the right moment to get you killed every time). You will try something and convince yourself that it was “fixed” and, given enough time, you’ll find out no it wasn’t.

Hopefully someone with this issue reads this: do not go down that hole searching for every last false troubleshooting tip. Do not try any full resets or any other time consuming, hamfisted approaches to “fixing” (you won’t) the issue. And definitely post if you have the issue and hope it affects enough players.


i am having a Similar issue


Can you try the following chat command: /console rawmouseenable 0
See if this has any impact. As for details on this issue, our team is investigating this issue and in support, we have found lowering the Poling Rate to below 400 helps greatly. If problems continue, I would recommend to report this over on our Bug Report forums with the model of your Mouse, and current DPI settings.

Thank you.

Quick test of console command does not work, the issue persists. DPI I can’t adjust due to needing its current setting for the balance of click accuracy+speed for cursor click/hovering nameplates for multi-dotting, and for another game, and the mouse will still need to be used extensively for a lot so that would likely be more debilitating than the bug itself.

The bug report I will definitely try to do - in the past it was just dismissed, threads on the mouse issue there were moved from Bug Report subforum to Technical Support. If the issue is being investigated that sounds very promising, so I will try that, thanks.

I’m having the same issue with a logitech G203 cursor snaps to the middle of the screen randomly

Seems to happen mostly if my mouse is “lifted” off surface, instant snap to center of screen, I noticed this since patch as well.

new update of hotfixes and nothing about the mouse, it still keeps resetting to the center…

If you change the polling rate up or down does it improve? My guildies fixed it by toggling raw mouse input on and off.

Still happening.

Please re-read original post.

This usually occurs with an addon interference. Try disabling all addons and see if it works.

same. I’ve made a thread about this too, it effects healing on standard raid frames.

I don’t use any addons.

This is false. Once again, please re-read original post.

The stream of failed troubleshooting tips where players are convinced they’ve “fixed” the issue is a huge reason why this bug gets dismissed.

Might not make the most sense in “Technical Support” given that, but in the past, it’s where a lot of these have been moved. More of a habit at this point. This bug is many years old.

Anyone with this issue, please post. Anywhere, bug report or here. The one time I noticed this issue seemingly resolve and fall off from being prevalent despite its long history was when posts flooded these subforums over a shorter period of time. Rather than just unsubbing or letting your sub sit while playing other games, please consider posting so it can be seen.


Literally don’t use addons and have the issue. Couldn’t agree more lol.

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I’m having this issue and it just started with 9.2. Echoing other posters I disabled all add ons, did the console commands, change poling and dpi settings, and everything else I can google. I seem to have it worst in Exile Hollow but it happens everywhere. Its not entirely unplayable but its incredibly annoying and makes me not want to play after coming back for the 9.2 patch. Any help would be appreciated.

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So I got the bright idea to try a non Logitech mouse ( I already tried 2 logitech mice) and lo and behold the problem stopped. For me at least it seemed to be a Logitech mouse problem. I even uninstalled all Logitech software and it still happened. I don’t know why WOW is having issues with my logitech mice but they need to fix this ASAP since I hate the janky mouse I’m using.

I’m not using a logitech mouse. I’ve swapped to 3 different mice, the problem persists.

As posted above, this bug definitely persists for many different computer mice brands/models and is not related to having any overlay of theirs active either.

Still having issues lmao. This is getting ridiculous. I guess this is to be expected though, Blizzard is really good at ruining their own game.

Wait was your solution really to lower DPI to below 400

I think they meant polling rate, as DPI isn’t a speed metric.

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