Yet another Sylvanas rant

If you could point to where I said those things I’d appreciate it. But you can’t.

Because that’s absolutely not what I believe and you can find me saying as such as recently as two weeks ago on a different thread on here:

Sylvanas was always awful. Always self-serving. Always willing to betray literally anyone and everyone if it meant getting ahead herself. Even when she was alive she was arrogant and cocky. She has not changed since Frozen Throne in this regard. And the one thing BfA did good, as I said, was to keep that part of her consistent.

The thing people have always hated about her is that she has immense plot armor that prevented her from facing any consequence for her actions. And it took 17 years before they started even SLIGHTLY having her face backlash for her own actions. Thrall’s Balls (Ugh I hate that I can’t swear here) they built auto-lives for her INTO THE STORY.

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