Yet Another Returning Player Thread!

Sorry if this is the umpteenth of these. I stopped shortly after release (hardware issues mostly) and done my own thing for a bit, but finally have a means of coming back (I just missed you bastids too much! Sniffle ). And just curious to hear about the state of RP from both sides. Things still kicking or did they die down a bit? Is Cross RP still a thing? Are Pandaren noodle bowls in pill form yet?

Figured I’d try and get a feel for the state of things before I decide on who I want to come back as, or if I want a fresh start. I appreciate your time.


This should help get you started. As far as your other questions are concerned, I can only speak Horde side. Numbers are objectively down compared to the tail end of Legion, but probably the highest I’ve seen since people hit level cap in BfA. The Valley of Honor, Silvermoon City are chock full of people looking for walk up RP, especially during peak times.

CrossRP was changed. The old method seemed to use the Communities feature in a way Blizzard felt left it open to exploit, so they patched it and in effect got rid of it. They later released the Elixir of Tongues, which only translates Orcish/Common in /say. The CrossRP addon lives on and when used in conjunction with the potion, allows you to emote, refresh the potion automatically, whisper (you need to be Battlenet friends), and link parties for larger events.


Why must Blizzard ruin our fun. I thought I heard about that potion but wasn’t it a bit pricey? Maybe I heard wrong. And thank you for the guide!

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It’s 30 gold and lasts an hour. That said, if you go to pretty much any cross faction event or hang with anyone who does cross faction regularly, they’ll be giving them away for free like candy. I bought about two hundred when they first came out, and even after all these months, I’ve maybe used about 50?


Things are rough currently to be perfectly honest, but with 8.1.5 (which released Tuesday) things are looking up a bit. Lots of people are coming to WrA and returning to the game like yourself. On the whole I think we’ve yet to see the best of Battle for Azeroth.

We still have to see what this restructuring looks like as far as results, and hopefully it ends up okay. All in all, BfA is a weaker expansion but you picked a good time within it to rejoin.

Also Cross RP is still a thing, yes. We had to fight super hard for that one.


Welcome back! Hope you enjoy your stay. I’ve been itching for some cross faction RP so if ever you’ve got the time, drop a line and we can figure a time, place and story


That’s right! We need to stick it to the Man!

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