Yet another RDF post

I play several other MMOs and my guilds on those games have all come out and said they’ll be skipping Wrath if it doesn’t have a dungeon finder. Anecdotal, but some of these guilds are 100+ people.

I dont see any bonus at this point from keeping dungeon finder out.


I’m considering not playing myself. I was all aboard the hype train until they announced RDF wouldn’t be included.


bUt NoBoDy Is FoRcInG tHeM tO :roll_eyes:

as a warlock main you shouldn’t want some dumb feature implemented that makes a big part of why your class is valuable obsolete.

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What makes your class valuable is more than just summoning to dungeons.

This argument wont fly unless the only reason you played a lock was for summons and in that case you’re not a very smart person.

a warlock brings a lot of value to a group because he can summon people.
if you make teleporting to dungeons a thing anyone can do; it detracts from this value.
does it make warlocks useless? no, but it makes them less special than they used to be.


Can still summon to raids.

Summon the enemy cities for city raids.

Also, this is bullpoo because summoning stones ruined that for you in TBC

It is exactly the Wrath you played, unless you quit before LFD was introduced, in which case you dont have any basis for an opinion.

Youre welcome to stay in Classic classic.

EXACTLY this. They lost my interest, and the boosted toon i was planning to pay for.


WPVP started to die the moment BG’s came to exist. I’ll admit, vanilla made a solid effort to keep it going, but the only thing that compared to wpvp pre-bg was the AQ event. Even now, I see more pvp going on in Hillsbrad than I do anywhere in Outlands. Halaa and spirit towers were somewhat popular, until the gear it buys becomes irrelevant. You want WPVP? Get a raid put together to sit in front of Naxx, or Ulduar, or ICC. Ganking some sap waiting at the meeting stone and calling it world PVP is a joke.

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LOL, meeting stones already did that. I enjoy my class for lots of reasons, summoning people wasn’t super high up there. I guess I could beg Blizzard to take out meeting stones to make my class slightly more relevant, but I’m not really that worried about it. Why would I want to inconvenience everyone else just to feel important?


rdf should be in wrath , you want classic unchanged well it as there so wth are you changing it heck if were changing stuff lets add barbershop and transmog and other quality of life systems to the game lets add em to classic vanilla and BC too , it wont affect everyones precious “community” haha

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that’s not how this works. The reason ANY changes happen is because people speak out and don’t just quit. Get out of here with that bs attitude.

You can summon people at summoning stones. Do you even play WoW? Lmao


Wrath never shipped with RDF. And it wasn’t until Cata it was cross realm.

Summoning stones at dungeon entrances are not the same thing as instant individual teleports for everyone.

RDF was not present at launch but was added in patch 3.3.0
From that reference:
“The Dungeon Finder is now available, providing players with quick and easy access to five-player parties. This feature connects all realms within a battlegroup using an advanced matchmaking system, making it easier for players of all levels to find a dungeon group.” So it was multi-realm.

It is when you’re discussing the difference between summoning stones, warlock summoning, and RDF teleporting. There is very little difference overall in a players mind. The only thing RDF teleporting takes away is from wpvpers being able to gank people trying to port people to dung, so if wpvpers don’t want teleporting then don’t add it to pvp realms. But pve realms will lose next to nothing with RDF teleporting but gain a lot of player agency.

That’s exactly it.

The people talking about RDF destroying the community are simply a different type of gamer to begin with and undervalue other players experiences with the game.

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both sides can easily accuse the other of being guilty of this

I disagree. Summoning stones require 2 people already at the dungeon. RDF just requires 5 people to agree to go to a dungeon, then suddenly everyone is imbued with the power to teleport.