Yet another RDF post

Bang right on the money, but sooo many delusional people will make up nonsensical excuses to try and say you’re wrong… but just know you are bang on.


And you can still enjoy that WPVP on classic era, where you reside… Let us have Wrath how we want it, stop trying to drag us down to the mud. Talk about being selfish lmao… now i know you’re just trolling… lmao

You will not be WPVPing in wrath regardless, all but 1 of the servers are a 99:1 ratio and they will fly over you and straight into the dungeon any way, sounds like you a grasping at straws to try and sabotage wrath to get more people into Era with you so you can stop talking to your self in ironforge with no one replying.


You’re calling me selfish while saying I can only wpvp in older versions of the game, lolol…

PvE players for ya…

And how exactly do you know that the majority of people want LFD?

Blizzard said that they don’t want to put LFD in the game, so obviously the people who agree with that stance aren’t going to speak about it whatsoever.


Ah yes, the “trust me bro, we’re the majority trope”

I gauge it by who is speaking out right now. I’m sorry, you don’t get to pretend to be the majority by saying your side just isn’t saying anything.


um… yes? lol
not to mention this is already alleviated with summoning stones
and warlocks


RDF is the dungeon grouping thing, right? I’ve heard they are launching wrath without it, is it planned not to exist for the entirety of the classic expansion? Additionally, is it cross-realm like retail has it set up or does it try to preserve the community by grouping you with players of the same realm?

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they’ve said the game is coming out without dungeon finder. If you don’t like it, don’t play.


It’s good that you bring that up. Back then they were still in the ‘no changes’ mindset. Some people will say that removing LFD is a change. No, not exactly. IT’s a larger concept than that. Removing LFD is the idea that the game has to preserved for the sake of what people thought it was. In other words, it’s actually an altered form of ‘no changes’; the preservation of the nostalgic wow experience.

I believe it was a mistake for blizzard to take that stance with classic 2019 and has ultimately limited the potential of the game and the audience that plays the game. The same will be true for WOTLk if they choose to be too rigid in their view of the people who want to play the game.


What you meant to say was

“It benefits me greatly, I like to gank levelers” Because the only people on the ground where you can get them will be levelers. Everyone else will be flying.


Hey there, Rita. Sorry I missed this earlier.


That is correct based on what we know thus far. There has been indication of some kind of “compromise” by adapting the current/retail version of LFG for Classic but no telling if that will come to fruition or what kind of Frankenstein-ish tool it will look like. As you can probably guess I have little confidence in this being well done if at all.

The dungeon finding tool originally released in Wrath did the matchmaking by battlegroup which was a number of other servers but not all. One of the sticking points for people planning to play Wrath does involve the use of multirealm grouping vs single server. Have no idea if they compromise and if they put in some sort of tool whether it will be crossrealm or no. Sorry but it’s all speculation that any compromise will be reached at all.

btw do you know Wild? I thought they were from the same server/guild.
Wild is awesome.

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This is false, not everyone can afford epic flight and ground mounts are faster than the 60% flying mount unless they’re stuck with the 60% ground mount still.

Bro, flying is 150% in wrath. The gold you get from questing/lvling in wrath is great. You will be able to afford flying in BC anyways cause it is very cheap. Then by 77 you will have 1k for cold weather flying. Questing at 80 will get you to 4k for epic flying from the horde expedition. But many will already have epic flying from BC anyways.

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So now we know you never played wrath. Baseline flying is 150% and only 200g plus mount


An error doesn’t mean I haven’t played but it doesn’t matter. Can’t fly until 68+.

More wpvp for me.

68 Is Pre-wrath and you can get flying at 60 in Outlands.

Again showing you dont know this game at all.

Also, Ganking lowbies is not PVP

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I meant 78.

For cold weather flying that is.

So you admit your goal is to gank lowbies. Not that it was ever in question for me or anyone else.

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Cold weather is 77.

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I like to be within 2 levels of whom I’m fighting but I don’t mind ganking higher levels for more amusement.