Yet again the Horde get's nothing


OP seems to have a lot of passion for the game which is fine. But my question is this: Are you this passionate about real life as you are this game? I’m just curious.

Blood Elves on Outland were literally trying to destroy the world and suck up all the energy on it.
The Scryers were trying to kill those Belves too. Outside of Kael’s Elves we’ve seen no indication that Helves wanted to kill Belves.

Pandaria and Dalaran was, again, Jaina and a group of extremists. We haven’t gotten any indication that beyond that one instance in MoP that Helves have been hunting down Belves.

Literal war.
Everyone was killing everyone on the opposite side.
This wasn’t an exclusive Belves v. Helves situation.

It made sense.
Alleria looks like a normal Elf typically.

Big difference between making Silvermoon an ‘Alliance capital’ and adding a couple of lore-friendly customization options.

There was no reason not to add these options.


Like I’ve said since the beginning, we should’ve moved past these characters ages ago. Give us something new already.

That’s because ‘the Alliance’ as it exists now didn’t exist during War3.

The only ‘Alliance’ characters from War3 are Jaina, and the Nelf characters which eventually joined the Alliance.

I did my bachelor in university and currently work for a library. So far my life is going fine.

Vereesa and Umbric didn’t change their attitude there is zero reasons to trust them with anything especially since his intro in Telogrus ltierally starts with wanting to lead Sivermoon “back to the alliance.”

And with Golden who wrotes like this:*15se1r1*_ga*MTMyNjQyNjAzMy4xNzA5MjM4NDU5*_ga_VYKNV7C0S3*MTcxMzcxNjMyMS42LjEuMTcxMzcxNjUyMi41LjAuMA

She thinks the blood elves need redemption whe she attacked them multiple times.

I doubt Blizzard will not make the worst fear of all blood elf players become reality.

well heres the problem:

all bad guys/gals are over the top, braggadocios, full of themselves, completely convinced they will win every conflict and their enemies will fail




this level of bravado is cultivated in the orc dynamic and as a result, writers see the horde leaders behavior as the winners mindset, similar to raid bosses, and players appreciate the strength. alliance are presented as weak losers, and to date, the players who still embrace it do so for reasons that fall outside the game’s flexing match. this has made it easy for writers = horde equal strong and chaotic and on the offense. alliance = weak and orderly and on the defense. that is an old model, works with real humans too.

Bye Felicia!

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The day might come being patriotic isn’t an instant kill as becoming a raid boss to be looted. Hope we see it coming one day.

Who exactly was being patriotic?

So he wants his kin to come over to the way he sees thing, and doesn’t want to kill them. This singular Alliance aligned character wants to see the Elves as a whole side with them. So
 he doesn’t want to kill them all. Nobody on either side wants to see all the others dead. You just don’t know what you’re talking about as per usual.

No he has a problem with the Horde and the blood elves aren’t going to leave the Horde unless Umbric convinces Stormwind to invade Quel’thalas.

Literacy probably isn’t your strong suit, understandable.

But no that isn’t what he meant. Maybe go back and read it in whatever ur primary language is, it’ll probably make more sense.

If you really believe all even factions will Join the alliance Umbrics delusions aside you are deeply mistake.

I actually don’t believe they will. I think this is what Umbric wants. I don’t think he’s going to get it.

You do realize that a character saying something isn’t the devs saying something, right?

I’m too lazy to look this up, but wasn’t a treaty signed at the end of BfA to officially declare the war over after Saurfang’s sacrifice?

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I believe this is a misreading of the work. The Sin’dorei DID need redemption during their introduction. They WERE redeemed for their actions. The Naaru blessing the Sunwell to reignite it was the ultimate symbolic gesture of that.

This was already a thing that happened and was being referred to.

Blizzard is always on the nose with these events. Usually the alliance community gets what they ask for if they cry hard enough for it.

That was an armistice. We don’t know if they ever made a formal treaty and I doubt Talanji would ever sign it for as long as Jaina is alive.

If we go by WoW alone not only does your list get cut in half, including your beloved Doomhammer and Blackhand, but almost all of the Alliance antagonism goes with it.

It took until Cata for the Alliance to finally move against the Horde in any appreciable capacity because Thrall and Varian knew they had good things, but Thrall got starry-eyed with Garrosh and we know how that story went.

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Don’t see anyone crying here but you.

The guy who has made several hundred threads babyraging over minor meaningless things that largely only exist in his own head.

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My threads pale by the numbers when we look at every high elf related topic.

With the effort you’ve been putting in recently?

Not for long.